
Convert error

huanhexiao opened this issue · 5 comments

Here is my modification:

#define INPUT_BAG_FILEPATH "/home/XXXX/GVINS/sports_field/sports_field.bag"
#define OUTPUT_RINEX_FILEPATH "/home/XXXX/GVINS/sports_field/"

and it reports error:

rosrun gvins_dataset_toolkit bag2rinex
段错误 (核心已转储)

Hi, @huanhexiao. You may need to define the OUTPUT_RINEX_FILEPATH macro as "/home/XXXX/GVINS/sports_field/sports_field.rnx".

Hi, @huanhexiao. You may need to define the OUTPUT_RINEX_FILEPATH macro as "/home/XXXX/GVINS/sports_field/sports_field.rnx".

Thanks,this does not work either.
I have figured it out in another way
Thx again

Hi@shaozu , another question:
I use bag2rinex getting the v3.04 obs file sport.21o, whose time can be transfered to gpstime .
I also extract the png fold cam1/ whose files named with timestamp , from bag file.
the var "gnss_local_time_diff: 18.0" associates the above two timestamp, right?



A late thanks and best wish to u.