
ROS node to use the MFD functionality of the Saitek X52 Pro Joystick

Primary LanguageC++


ROS package to access the MFD of the Saitek X52 Pro Joystick.


Install system dependencies

sudo apt-get install libx52pro0 libx52pro-dev

Also make sure you have git installed: sudo apt-get install git-core

Download source

Make sure you have a working catkin workspace, as described at: http://www.ros.org/wiki/catkin/Tutorials/create_a_workspace

Change directory to the source folder of your catkin workspace. If, for instance, your workspace is ~/catkin_ws, make sure there is a src/ folder within it, then execute:

cd ~/catkin_ws/src

Download the package source from the github repository:

git clone https://github.com/Hacks4ROS/h4r_x52_joyext

Compile your catkin workspace:

cd ~/catkin_ws

Copy the udev file inside h4r_x52_joyext/udev to /etc/udev/rules.d

sudo cp $(rospack find h4r_x52_joyext)/udev/99-x52pro.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
sudo service udev restart

If your joystick is already plugged into your computer, remove it and plug it in again, otherwise you are not allowed to access the device, because the new rights are only applied to devices connected after the rule change.


For doxygen documentation, please see: http://hacks4ros.github.io/h4r_x52_joyext/doc/doxygen/index.html

This package is also documented at: http://wiki.ros.org/h4r_x52_joyext