an efficient algorithm for finding the shortest path from source
node to dest
node in a graph.
The run of the algorithm is portrayed via GUI interface that displays a minimum path from source node to destination node, and all the visited nodes
we run Dijkstra on a weighted graph, where each vertex is a "square" on the screen, an edge is a connection between two adjacent squared, and the weight is 1. as an example, consider a 3x3 pixel grid:
a graph G=<V,E>, that represents the grid, is comprised of the following edges and vertexes (starting from (0,0)):
V = ['(0,0)', '(0,1)', '(0,2)', '(1,0)', '(1,1)', '(1,2)', '(2,0)', '(2,1)', '(2,2)']
E = [('(0,0)', '(1,0)', 1), ('(0,0)', '(0,1)', 1), ('(0,1)', '(0,0)', 1),...,('(2,2)', '(2,1)', 1)]
where ('(0,0)', '(1,0)', 1)
, for example, means that node (0,0) is connected to node (1,0) with an edge weighing 1.
- the source and destination nodes are chosen by the user (two right clicks with the mouse)
- the user can "draw" (left mouse click) on the screen pixels that represents a node that doesnt exist, and therefore the algorithm wont use in runtime (these can be thought of as barriers, and they are colored black)
under Dijkstra.Main
execute main()
Q = build_min_heap(graph) # O(V)
while Q: # O(V)
u = heapq.heappop(Q) # pops the min val (get value and remove from heap) O(logV)
neighbors_of_u = graph.get_neighbors()[]
for v in neighbors_of_u: # O(E)
weight_u_v = graph.get_edge_weight(,
v_dist = v.dist_from_source
u_dist = u.dist_from_source
if v_dist > u_dist + weight_u_v:
v.set_dist_from_source(u_dist + weight_u_v)
heapq.heappush(Q, v) # O(logV)