An annotation pipeline for bacterial genomes
To execute the pipeline on your computer, first pull the docker image
docker pull hadrieng/prokka
Then execute the workflow
nextflow run --genome $path_to_your_genome
It will produce an embl file ready for submission (given you have registered a bioproject and locus tag) as well as .gbk, .gff and other files from the output of prokka
- Specifies the location of the genome fasta file
- Required
- The Bioproject you registered at ENA
- If not set, will be PRJEBXXXXX
- The genus of the genome to annotate
- the species of the genome to annotate
- the strain of the genome to annotate
- The desired locus tag. Should also be registered at ENA
- If not set, it will be XXX
- the taxid of your organism
The SGBC cluster uses a module system. Pulling the docker image is not required!
By default, the pipeline runs locally using docker. If you run the annotation pipeline on the SGBC cluster, please pass the option -profile planet
netxflow run -profile planet --genome data/aureus.fasta \
--bioproject PRJEB12345 --genus Staphylococcus --species aureus \
--strain ST250_MRSA-1 --locus_tag SA0 --taxonomy 1280
If you use this pipeline in your research, please cite:
- Circlator: automated circularization of genome assemblies using long sequencing reads, Hunt et al, Genome Biology 2015 Dec 29;16(1):294. doi: 10.1186/s13059-015-0849-0. PMID: 26714481.
- Seemann T. Prokka: rapid prokaryotic genome annotation, Bioinformatics 2014 Jul 15;30(14):2068-9. PMID:24642063
- GFF3toEMBL: Preparing annotated assemblies for submission to EMBL", Andrew J. Page, Sascha Steinbiss, Ben Taylor, Torsten Seemann, Jacqueline A. Keane, The Journal of Open Source Software, 1 (6) 2016.