
Solve 3-ord Rubik's Cube with a robot.

Primary LanguageC++



   This project uses kociemba algorithm to solve Rubik's cube.
   It is used to automatically solve Rubik's cube by a device that is DIYed by my team, so it contain both software for upper monitor and lower driver(Raspberry wiringPi lib).

Dependency & Modules

This project depends on the following libs:

  • OpenCV (>= 3.3.0)
  • WiringPi
  • pthread

This project contains the following modules:

  • Simulation
  • Core solution algorithm
  • Turning method(motor control)
  • Color recognition
  • 3D control and display


Before you can run this project, compile it first:
   ~/rubikCube$ mkdir build && cd build
   ~/rubikCube/build$ cmake ..
   ~/rubikCube/build$ make

  • simulate:
    Use the colors of each faces as the first arugment of the program.
    Option colors are r b g w o y for red, blue, green, white, orange, yellow respectively.
    Note that the order of faces is ULFRBD
    e.g. ~/rubikCube/build$ ./simulate wgbrwywwrgygwrbogwrggobwboryoyroybywoooggboryrwyrybgbb

  • disorganize:
    Generate an array of random state and implement it to the cube.
    You can specify the number of steps by giving the second argument in the function genRandomState().
    e.g. ~/rubikCube/build$ ./disorganize

  • solveCubeManually:
    Manually input the colors of each face. The order of colors is the same as that of simulation.
    e.g. ~/rubikCube/build$ ./solveCubeManually wgbrwywwrgygwrbogwrggobwboryoyroybywoooggboryrwyrybgbb

  • colorTool:
    Several tools about color recognition.
    You can choose one of the tools by entering the corresponding number when the program is run.

  • ReadColor:
    The program concerning color recognition.
    You can choose whether to train a new color model or use the existing model to recognize colors.
    By default, the model files should be in the folder the same as the path of program.

  • 3D control and display:
    In the branch 3d_module. This module is made in Unity3d and it is not finished yet.

About color recognition

The color distribution is shown as pic.1
The recognition result is shown as pic.2


Derek Lai (HaowenLai)

The whole device (including hardware structure and software) is really remarkable!
The 3D control and display module can be found in branch 3d_module. It is not finished yet.
Have fun and enjoy it ~~