
This repository consists of the ROS Drivers for 3D Systems Geomagic Touch haptic device. This repository has been forked from the original repository by @fsuarez6 for the Phantom Omni (https://github.com/fsuarez6/phantom_omni).

Primary LanguageC++

3D Systems Geomagic Touch-X ROS Driver for Windows

ROS Packages for 3D Systems Geomagic Touch-X haptic device, USB version.

This repository has been forked from the original repository by Bharat Mathur, https://github.com/bharatm11/Geomagic_Touch_ROS_Drivers for the Touch-X haptic device in ubuntu. I have made a few changes to adapt it for touch-X model for working in windows 10.

Tested with

Touch-X, OpenHaptics3.5, MS Windows 64bit 10.0.18362, ROS-Melodic, Visual studio 2019, Windows SDK 10.0.18362.0

Additional Dependencies



  1. Install ROS-melodic, Chocolatey, Git and Visual Studio on Windows

Follow the instructions from: http://wiki.ros.org/Installation/Windows

  1. Setup Catkin workspace using VC comand prompt
cd \
mkdir catkin_ws & cd catkin_ws & mkdir src
  1. Download and Install OpenHaptics 3.5 and Haptic Device drivers

Download drivers using instructions at: https://support.3dsystems.com/s/article/OpenHaptics-for-Windows-Developer-Edition-v35?language=en_US

  1. Install Dependencies:

Clone and make the Pthread repo following the instructions from https://github.com/jwinarske/pthreads4w There are several seeting in which you can make Pthreads, I have used VCE

nmake realclean VCE
  1. Device setup

Run Touch Smart Setup to setup and calibrate the device. Its a good idea to perform calibration everytime beore device is used.

  1. Launch ROS Node

Clone and build this repository.

cd <ROS_workspace> & catkin_make
cd <ROS_workspace>/devel
source setup.bash
roslaunch omni_common omni_state.launch 

Data from the haptic device can be read from the following topics:






Directory structre assumed:




