- 3
iPad Air 第4代 iPadOS 18.1 顶部显示错误
#143 opened by huoda1237 - 9
#142 opened by dyljqq - 1
Error of not drawing over the background image
#141 opened by lexuanquynh - 1
部分iPad上apple pencil不能在画布上使用,请问有其他朋友遇到过吗?
#140 opened by zhudi12358 - 0
Working together?
#139 opened by saiedg - 2
Eraser issue
#128 opened by goldenmobile028 - 2
does this library support drawing to pdf?
#138 opened by lexuanquynh - 1
Can I draw shapes ??
#137 opened by Liketodev3 - 0
- 2
forceSensitive 无效
#135 opened by JLLJHD - 0
- 2
#110 opened by jeruik - 0
#133 opened by BreGit - 0
Glowing brush is not smooth for zig-zag line
#132 opened by HeraBlockchain - 2
canvas backgroundColor always black
#103 opened by Oscar053 - 2
#123 opened by LiaoGuopeng - 0
#131 opened by Apolla - 1
#130 opened by lczalh - 0
ChartletBrush 支持设置从网络下载的图片
#129 opened by huanglins - 6
Undo and Redo doesn't work
#127 opened by goldenmobile028 - 3
Brush color and multiply
#126 opened by ant3dstudio - 2
#125 opened by Zss1990 - 0
#124 opened by Zss1990 - 0
Could you suppourt SwiftUI
#122 opened by X901 - 1
Embedding the Canvas in a Swift UI View?
#119 opened by tprasad23 - 5
is there a way to get the draw strokes points ?
#120 opened by X901 - 0
#121 opened by zhudi12358 - 0
how can I draw line on this SDK?
#118 opened by AngelDev0329 - 3
- 4
#96 opened by WhiteRainbow - 1
Add Text feature
#116 opened by abhinav-eno8 - 3
Adding MSAA
#99 opened by 0-mykola - 0
- 0
commitCommands fires draw call too early
#114 opened by ulitiy - 0
Pinch zoom is not working properly
#113 opened by ERbittuu - 0
Bezier calculation causes significant CPU load
#112 opened by ulitiy - 0
Inconsistent point distance when rendering
#111 opened by ulitiy - 2
#109 opened by jeruik - 1
#108 opened by jeruik - 0
- 4
#106 opened by MQL9011 - 3
MLColor 颜色只转换问题
#104 opened by boaosady - 4
橡皮檫 清除绘画内容后,保存本地。当再次读取本地文件时,橡皮檫的所有路径变成黑色了
#102 opened by boaosady - 3
#101 opened by zhoulijun12315 - 1
need help with eraser tool
#97 opened by VJosan - 1
Implement flood fill option?
#100 opened by mobileapps23 - 6
iOS14 image brush makeTexture的效果与iOS13不同
#98 opened by coderjun666 - 6
- 1
#95 opened by primeant - 0
try to add image for editing
#93 opened by VJosan