

Opened this issue · 12 comments

Could you add the new daqc2 to this?

This repo depends on another repo called 'node-pi-plates' for the objects that represent the individual plates. Support for a new plate needs to be added there first. I've ordered a DAQC2plate and will make the necessary changes to both repos once I have the hardware to test against.

Yes was looking at that next...was just trying my hand at it. Was just seeing how I could do. Hope that's ok?

Wonder if we could switch it to all four different model on the DAQC2plate and somehow make the new parts work..like the function generator, osciliscope and the motor outputs. But I would assume most people will just use it as a input output board.

Eager to try have copied both repositories and am testing. Got a little ways. Let me know when your gonna have time and I'll try and help if you want. Be glad to test to!

Any progress on the daq2 plate.? Nice work on the dac.

@shortyishere @pi-plates I've pushed an update that enables the same API for both DAQC and DAQC2. No new functionality yet, but at least we should now have parity across the 2 boards. Check out version 0.0.6

Hi thanks it works better now. Could you add the extra points capabilities to the channels so at least I can pick it?

@shortyishere I don’t understand your last comment. Could you please clarify?

Sorry it took so long to comment. But there is only 7 outputs on the original and 8 on the daq2 I would like to choose either with the drop down and just be on the watch out if it is not there. That's just one example of course.