MERN Stack Developer and Web Developer with a passion for Deep Learning and Computer Vision projects
Kabul Afghanistan
Pinned Repositories
Increasing population and density cause traffic issues. This project tackles intersection management with AI. Traffic videos are preprocessed and labeled using YOLO model. Training improves vehicle recognition. Testing shows significant results. Implementation includes practical simulation and Arduino-based signal timing.
This repository showcases my personal portfolio, highlighting my skills, projects, and experiences. It serves as a digital resume, providing potential employers and clients with a comprehensive overview of my capabilities.
This project has two stages, in the first stage, using YOLOv8, we will recognize and count cars in a crossroads, and in the next step, using the data collected by the first model, we will train the model to be able to Predict the traffic flow at a specific time.
In this phase, and during this process, I will strive to document and make available to you all the work I have done during the Internship offered to me by CodeAlpha. This Internship will last for three months, and I will work as a Python Developer with the CodeAlpha organization.
Face Mask Detection system based on computer vision and deep learning using OpenCV and Tensorflow/Keras
Course project, the fifth semester project of the Faculty of Computer Science, Department of Information Systems, Kabul University
HasibullahAman's Repositories
This project has two stages, in the first stage, using YOLOv8, we will recognize and count cars in a crossroads, and in the next step, using the data collected by the first model, we will train the model to be able to Predict the traffic flow at a specific time.
Increasing population and density cause traffic issues. This project tackles intersection management with AI. Traffic videos are preprocessed and labeled using YOLO model. Training improves vehicle recognition. Testing shows significant results. Implementation includes practical simulation and Arduino-based signal timing.
This repository showcases my personal portfolio, highlighting my skills, projects, and experiences. It serves as a digital resume, providing potential employers and clients with a comprehensive overview of my capabilities.
In this phase, and during this process, I will strive to document and make available to you all the work I have done during the Internship offered to me by CodeAlpha. This Internship will last for three months, and I will work as a Python Developer with the CodeAlpha organization.
Course project, the fifth semester project of the Faculty of Computer Science, Department of Information Systems, Kabul University
a To-do-list using Express and EJS(Embedded JavaScript)+Nice Design with core HTML&CSS
A user-friendly web application built with React for efficiently managing contacts. Features include adding, editing, deleting, and searching for contacts. A clean and intuitive interface provides a seamless user experience.
in this repository I want to push all of my Learning Course code during I pass deep Learning, I will do some mini project as well
A simple customer relationship management (CRM) application built with Django, providing essential features for managing customer interactions, and contacts This project serves as a foundation for a more comprehensive CRM system, offering a clean and organized structure for future customization and expansion.
Next step of Angila yu Web devlopment bootcamp on Udemy.com
In this repository I want to create my README.md for my Github Profile
the name say every thing!
In this section, we have the codes that I have solved to prepare for the Kabul regional ICPC exam, the questions are all in the same language and that is in Python, and the reason is because I am fluent in this language. I have collected and solved the questions of this collection from different sites that operate in this section.
A collection of functions and code snippets I've developed while learning and reviewing various programming concepts. This repository serves as a personal reference and experiment space for exploring different programming techniques and best practices.
This repository contains my code for Kaggle playground competitions. Kaggle offers a platform for users to enhance their skills through competitive challenges. I have a private notebook with superior results compared to my public one. Feel free to follow my private notebook to track my progress and witness the improvements I've made.
This specialization contains 9 courses, and I'm currently in the learning phase of this specialization. In this repository, you will find all the code that I have learned from these courses, as well as the projects I have completed during the duration of the Web Development course.
This repository includes specializations courses from DeepLearning.ai, and also includes projects that include this course or projects that I will work on to learn NLP!
A collection of Next.js projects and reusable components for full-stack web development, offering practical examples and building blocks for common UI patterns and functionalities, serving as a resource for developers and a demonstration of my learning progress.
A simple note-taking application built with Django and React. This project provides a hands-on learning experience in full-stack web development, combining the power of Python and JavaScript.
Change a nice Figma design to Code, using core HTML&CSS + JavaScript's
In this repository, I want to document all of the functions and tasks that I complete while learning OpenCV. Of course, if I complete a project, I will add it to this repository as well. Overall, I will be adding all of my learning code here.
Learning React Journey: A repository to track my progress and store code snippets as I delve into the world of React. Follow along as I explore React concepts, build projects, and grow as a front-end developer.
In this Social Blog I will test my Django skill and I will Write full description when it over!
I want to collect all of my web Development code in this repository