
This program randomly generates a maze and then solves that maze using A* pathfinding algorithm

Primary LanguageC++

Maze Generator and solver

This project is a combination of two algorithms that I had recently implemented: Randomized Prim's which is an algorithm that randomly generates mazes, this is used to generate a random maze with a starting tile and an end tile. You can read more and see my implementation of Randomized prim at:https://github.com/HaydenD100/MazeGeneration-with-Prims-Algorithm.

The Second algorithm is A*. A* is a path finding algorithm that is used to find the shortest path across a grid of points, in my project this is used to find the shortest path between the start and end tile. My implementation of A* can be found at: https://github.com/HaydenD100/Astar-Algorithm.

Using these two algorithms this program generates a random maze and then solves it by finding the shortest path from the start tile(light blue) to the end tile (light green)

GIF's of the program

gif gif


Coded in c++ with SDL2 for rendering.