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Virtual presentation at R/Medicine 2024
#1304 opened by higgi13425 - 1
- 0
- 0
- 0
machine_learn ignores ordered factors
#1296 opened by ecorreig - 0
Is it possible to supress the output to console in any way?
#1295 opened by aceri - 3
No healthcareai for R 4.0 😭
#1293 opened by michaellevy - 0
Cannot install package
#1292 opened by choon-sim - 0
Feature request: Weighted models
#1291 opened by ecorreig - 0
- 0
- 1
Double warning for all-unique, not-ignored columns
#1222 opened by michaellevy - 1
dplyr 0.8.1
#1285 opened by romainfrancois - 1
Models do not store .libPaths versions of healthcareai
#1280 opened by glenrs - 11
Unable to execute machine_learn
#1278 opened by BobParker18 - 1
breaking changes in recipes
#1274 opened by topepo - 7
machine_learn error in healthcareai 2.2
#1276 opened by BobParker18 - 0
Quantitative Interactions
#1273 opened by glenrs - 1
- 0
Multiclass plot method text
#1263 opened by mmastand - 1
Strange behavior around predict with (old) newdata
#1265 opened by mmastand - 0
Update performance vignette
#1250 opened by michaellevy - 1
function for confusion matrix
#1264 opened by mmastand - 2
Predict does not relevel outcome column
#1257 opened by glenrs - 0
load_models path suggestion needs quotes
#1252 opened by michaellevy - 0
Update db connections vignette
#1267 opened by mmastand - 2
Throw an error if machine_learn is given prepped data
#1255 opened by glenrs - 0
Print ignored columns from prep_data
#1258 opened by NateGarrettHC - 0
get_best_levels() and add_best_levels() `by` parameter
#1256 opened by glenrs - 0
prep_data date column recognition is limited
#1253 opened by michaellevy - 1
In explore, numeric variables are determined post-prep but nominals pre-prep
#1238 opened by michaellevy - 1
Store only pre-prep data with model_list
#1245 opened by michaellevy - 1
August 31: v2.2 CRAN submit
#1229 opened by michaellevy - 2
Add metric argument to machine_learn
#1219 opened by michaellevy - 0
Offer no-prep option in prep_data
#1246 opened by michaellevy - 0
Remove columns with near zero varience before center/scale step in prep_data
#1244 opened by NateGarrettHC - 0
classification prediction plot colors inconsistent
#1243 opened by michaellevy - 5
AUPR is wrong in summary
#1235 opened by michaellevy - 0
- 1
install.packages("healthcareai") fails with `fatal error: 'omp.h' file not found`
#1234 opened by acksmaggart - 1
#1213 opened by michaellevy - 0
#1225 opened by michaellevy - 2
Multiclass vignette
#1214 opened by michaellevy - 0
#1228 opened by michaellevy - 0
PCA variable loadings plot
#1226 opened by NateGarrettHC - 0
Create summary.missingness
#1211 opened by glenrs - 2
Check whether package installs on R 3.3.x
#1216 opened by michaellevy - 0
Remove defunct functions and logging section from function reference webpage
#1217 opened by michaellevy - 2
plot_regression_predictions improvements
#1208 opened by michaellevy - 0
prep_data does not remove the ignored variables
#1207 opened by AviralVijay-GSLab