
personal collection of useful source of information & things to do fighting SARS-CoV-2

Awesome List "Get Your Facts Right on SARS-CoV-2"

Inform - Learn - Act - Share

My personal collection of useful sources of information & things to do fight SARS-CoV-2 inspired by Steward Brand, Peter Schwartz, Chris Anderson, Whole Earth Catalog, Global Business Network and The Long Now Foundation.

This project is now part of the wirvsvirushackathon.org of the german government and called coronapathfinder.org.

Disclaimer: Please note that this is just a collection of information to my best knowledge. I'm no expert in this matter, just an ordinary inhabitant willing to something within personal reach. I did not doublecheck sources, checked whether sources were peer-reviewed, have been falsified after publication or turned out to be false in any way. Please give feedback: what to add, delete, change, highlight, verify! Be aware of people who just claim to be experts or seem to ignore facts.

0 Why?

1 Information

1.1 Numbers & Updates

1.2 Prediction, Spreading, Treatment

1.3 Summaries

2 Learning from ...

2.1 Professionals

To be verified

2.2 Other countries

2.3 Online Conferences, hackathons

2.4 History

2.4 Discussions & Questions

3 Actions

3.1 Personal

3.2 Community, Maker, Open Source & Hardware

3.3 Professional

  • Inform staff about video conferencing, online access to company network
  • Ask people to take their Laptops home daily
  • Avoid personal meetings if not necessary
  • Offer home office where possible
  • ...

4 Tools

under construction: there should be more cooler compilations out there in the web

4.1 Compilations & Awesome Lists

4.2 Orchestration

4.3 Video Conferencing, Streaming

4.4 Disease Modeling

4.5 Data Collection

4.6 Data Analysis & Modelling

4.7 Initiatives, Platform

4.8 3D-Printing

4.9 Open Source/Hardware Medical Devices

4.10 Masks

4.11 Covid-19 Tests

4.12 Covid-19 Handbooks