ASMS 2020 Fall Workshop: R Fundamentals and Best Practices for Mass Spectrometry Data Analysis

Workshop Overview

The goal of this workshop is to introduce the R programming language to participants who are new to programming and/or R itself.

This workshop will be taught online using Zoom across 4 days (2 weekends), 3 hours each day. Lessons will be divided between lecture-style instruction interspersed with hands-on small group practice sessions facilitated by teaching assistants.

The main topics covered include:

  • Introduction to R, Coding Syntax, and Basic Data Manipulation Operations
  • Data Visualization with ggplot2
  • Introduction to Basic Statistics Concepts & Reproducible Analysis
  • Mass Spectrometry R Packages & Analysis


  • 4 main topics, covered across 4 days (two weekends), ~ 3 hrs each
  • Main lectures taught over Zoom Webinar, with small group practice sessions using separate Zoom meetings
  • RStudio Cloud will be used for practice sessions
  • Participants will receive Zoom and RStudio Cloud links prior to the workshop through email


All Times Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Day Date Time Main Topic
Day 1 Saturday, November 7 12:00 PM – 3:15 PM Introduction to R
Day 2 Sunday, November 8 12:00 PM – 3:15 PM Data Visualization with ggplot2
Day 3 Saturday, November 14 12:00 PM – 3:15 PM Intro Statistics & Reproducible Analysis
Day 4 Sunday, November 15 12:00 PM – 3:15 PM Mass Spec R Packages & Analysis

Pre-course Preparation

  1. Install the Zoom application on your computer
  2. Ensure you have your Workshop Zoom and RStudio Cloud links available (links will be sent through email prior to the Workshop)
  3. Sign-up for a free RStudio Cloud account:
  4. Join the RStudio Cloud workspace for the workshop using the provided registration link (link will be sent through email prior to the Workshop)

More information on using RStudio Cloud will be covered on Day 1 of the workshop.

Lecture Slides

Post-course Notes

Continued Use of RStudio Cloud

After the course, the RStudio Cloud ASMS 2020 Fall Workshop workspace will not be available to work from. However, you can continue to use RStudio Cloud with your own (personal) workspace as part of the RStudio Cloud free tier. This tier allows for 15 hrs of free usage per month.

You can transfer your course Projects to your personal workspace as follows:

  1. Visit the RStudio Cloud workspace for the course
  2. On the "Projects" view, click the "Move" icon for the project you want to keep
  3. Click "Your Workspace", then OK
  4. Repeat this for each project you want to keep
  5. To get to "Your Workspace", click the hamburger icon (three horizontal lines) in the upper left corner, and select "Your Workspace" under "Spaces". You should see your projects now in your personal workspace.

Installing R and RStudio on Your Own Computer

For the workshop, we will be using RStudio Cloud which provides a fully functioning RStudio environment from the web browser and doesn't require installing any software. However, after the workshop, participants may want to continue practicing with course materials and exercises, which will require a local installation of R and RStudio.

Please see the linked slides for information and tips on getting R and RStudio installed on your own computer: [PDF]

Working with the Examples and Exercises on Your Own Computer

The examples and exercises covered in the workshop are located in this GitHub repository under the exercises directory. Please see the instructions provided in each day sub-folder. Please note:

  • You can download all of the files in this repository, including the exercise files, by clicking the green "Code" button (main repository page, toward the top), then select "Download ZIP".
  • Some of the exercises require copying and unzipping data provided in this repository under the data directory
  • Each day directory is organized as an RStudio project. Once you have R and RStudio install on your computer, you can double click the .Rproj file in each directory to load the project and start working.