- 0
Primary sequence
#76 opened by drdoppio - 0
OmegaFold weights for Mac / apple silicon
#75 opened by linkerst - 5
Exception: Python 3.11.4 (tags/v3.11.4:d2340ef, Jun 7 2023, 05:45:37) [MSC v.1934 64 bit (AMD64)] is not supported.
#69 opened by Herutriana44 - 2
Difference between model 1 and 2
#73 opened by mcn3159 - 6
Google collab error
#74 opened by irinasspider - 2
- 3
Next Omegafold
#72 opened by smilenaderi - 0
- 4
Will there be OmegaFold_Multimer?
#44 opened by DaHenz - 0
Exporting model to ONNX format
#70 opened by elephantpanda - 1
Model 2 error
#67 opened by vvishwesh - 3
Model 2 subbatch_size not working
#64 opened by smilenaderi - 0
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torch'
#68 opened by ana1878 - 0
CUDA error: unknown error
#66 opened by puddleglum56 - 0
Why does the edges produced in OmegaPLM become shape (PLM_layers, n , n) instead of (Layers, batch size, n , n)
#65 opened by WBennett003 - 0
Broken prolines ?
#63 opened by Lotirador - 1
Issues with running model2
#62 opened by s-kyungyong - 0
- 0
Can omegaFold be used to predict the composite structure of the heavy and light chains of the antibody
#60 opened by Licko0909 - 2
- 4
Confidence metric
#46 opened by Geraldene - 0
- 0
- 0
- 2
A100 VS A40 performance issue
#40 opened by truatpasteurdotfr - 0
OSError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
#54 opened by charlesdavid - 0
- 0
#52 opened by YoelShoshan - 0
Parameters Initialization
#51 opened by YoelShoshan - 1
When running on with a fasta file, this error showed up
#50 opened by Jeffery-Ni - 5
In-Place Softmax Breaks AutoDiff
#38 opened by countrsignal - 1
output x best models
#41 opened by FlorianWieser1 - 1
Training Code Availability
#47 opened by YoelShoshan - 1
OOM issue when working with gradient
#48 opened by WANG-CR - 1
Some questions about model training
#49 opened by WangHuiNEU - 5
- 0
Reproducing Antibodies/Orphans results
#45 opened by benoitgaujac - 0
Help with Install
#43 opened by joonp9 - 1
device option
#42 opened by rmarabini - 1
Training code
#30 opened by lhatsk - 1
RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory.
#37 opened by biotech70 - 1
pseudo MSAs in OmegaPLM
#34 opened by BSharmi - 1
output plddt?
#39 opened by pengzhangzhi - 3
Installing OmegaFold in Ubuntu v22.04
#33 opened by biotech70 - 0
Motif & sub-sequence masking
#32 opened by CatIIIIIIII - 1
Reproducing CASP results
#31 opened by lhatsk - 0
License for weight parameter file
#29 opened by xvtyzn - 0
- 2
Error when running inference on CPU
#24 opened by Meteord - 0
About the AtomEmbedder
#17 opened by Kirito-Ausna