Perun is a Python package that measures the energy consumption of you applications.
- christinab12https://github.com/HelmholtzAI-Consultants-Munich
- ClaudiaComitoJülich Supercomputing Center
- coquelin77KIT - SCC
- donatella-cea
- fluegelkKarlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
- fniesel
- FOsterfeld
- gaow0007Nanyang Technological University
- georgii-helmholtz
- greoleScientific Computing Centre, KIT
- guadabsb15Forschungszentrum Juelich
- HarryMichalNVIDIA
- hussienComputer Science PhD Candidate
- IsraMekki0Helmholtz AI
- jaywonchungUniversity of Michigan
- JosuaKrause
- JuanPedroGHM
- kahn-jms@Hal-Systems-AU
- kkonenGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
- lisa-sousaHelmholtz AI
- Ly0n@open-energy-transition @protontypes
- Markus-GoetzKarlsruhe, Germany
- mcw92Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- mrfh92Cologne / Bonn
- mschnepf
- nawafalageel
- neogyk-
- neuronflowUZH
- niranjanaryanDeceptive AI
- orangehelicopter
- pratikvnKarlsruhe Institute of Technology.
- psteinbwww.hzdr.de
- samadplsRemote
- sebastianptz
- SupreethRao99GrapheneAI
- variemaiTechnische Universität Wien