
Using the OpenCV computer vision library and NumPy to use two images of the same scene together and estimate the depth of the objects in it through Epipolar geometry.

Primary LanguagePython

Stereovision Depth Mapping

Taking two images from a sequence, performing epipolar geometry on it. Then apply stereovision techniques to estimate the depth in the images.
This serves as an entry point for various 3-D depth estimation and scene reconstruction techniques.

Keypoints Image A Keypoints Image B

Pipeline to perform Stereovision Depth Mapping

Part 1 - Calibration of the camera

  1. Read two images separately and convert to grayscale for easier processing
  2. Rescale images to fit in screen
  3. Use ORB detector to detect keypoints in both images. Create an orb object
  4. Detect and compute key points and descriptors for both images
  5. Match features on both images. Create a Brute force matcher and use k-nearest neighbours method to match points on both images
  6. Now from the matched points we only choose good matches, ones which are distinct enough
  7. Now we need to calculate the pixel coordinates of the good matching points since the matching points are in the form of DObjects
  8. From the resulting coordinate points choose only the first 8 points for each image as we need only 8 points to calculate our Fundamental matrix
  9. Arrange these 8 points from each image into an array A and take its SVD
  10. The last column of the V matrix from the SVD is the needed Fundamental matrix. We extract and reshape into an 3 by 3 matrix and therefore we get the Fundamental Matrix
  11. Once we have the fundamental matrix we need to calculate the Essential Matrix. For that we need the intrinsic camera parameters, this is already provided to us
  12. The essential matrix is the matrix multiplication of the three matrices in the particular order Transpose of intrinsic matrix * Fundamental matrix * Intrinsic matrix
  13. Thus we obtain the Essential matrix for the images
  14. Now we need to decompose the Essential matrix into corresponding pairs of translation and rotation matrices. We will get four such pairs
  15. First we perform the SVD of Essential matrix. Define a new matrix W as follows
[0, -1, 0]
[1, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 1]
  1. We get the following four pairs of translation and rotation matrices
C1 = U[:, 2]
R1 = U * W * V transpose (U and V are from the SVD of essential matrix)
C2 = - U[:, 2]
R2 = U * W * V transpose
C3 = U[:, 2]
R3 = U * W transpose * V transpose
C4 = - U[:, 2]
R4 = U * W transpose * V transpose
Keypoints Image A Keypoints Image B
Epilines Image A Epilines Image B

Part 2 – Rectification

  1. Using the cv.stereoRectifyUncalibrated function to get the homography matrices for both images The homography matrices are
H1 = [[-6.79073699e-01 -2.55442303e-03 2.50387638e+01]
      [ 0.00000000e+00 -7.07110000e-01 0.00000000e+00]
      [ 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 -7.07110000e-01]]

H2 = [[1. 0. 0.]
      [0. 1. 0.]
      [0. 0. 1.]]
  1. Warp the perspective of both the images so that the epilines are horizontal in the images
Rectified Image A Rectified Image B

Part 3 – Correspondence and Depth Computation

  1. Convert the images into arrays
  2. If shape isn’t same raise an error to handle the exception
  3. Create a zeros of disparity map
  4. Since disparity calculation takes time, tqdm is used to monitor progress
  5. Iterate over each pixel to calculate disparity
  6. Choose a small block in left image
  7. Compare it with a block from the right image
  8. Get a search range for right image
  9. Iterate through the range for right image
  10. Calculate the disparity and depth

These outputs are for just one dataset. Outputs from other datasets are available in the respective folders.


  • Clone the repo to your local machine
git clone https://github.com/HemanthJoseph/Stereovison-Depth-Mapping.git
  • Run the python file of choice
python curule.py

Dependencies and libraries

  1. Python 3.9.12
  2. OpenCV '4.7.0'
  3. Numpy '1.24.2'

Note when running

  • As and when image outputs show on the screen, press any key to go to the next image output
  • The calculation for disparity takes anywhere between 3 - 6 minutes depending upon the computer specifications, please wait until then for the computation

Issues faced

I faced an issue where my epipole was falling inside my image and I wasn’t getting the results I had expected. After going through eash line I found out the problem was with the bruteforce matcher method before getting the matching points. I was using the cv.NORM_HAMMING for matching which gave rise this problem.

bf = cv.BFMatcher_create(cv.NORM_HAMMING)

I solved this by using a simple brute force matcher.

bf = cv.BFMatcher()