
print() for BatchtoolsFuture should report on the template file used

HenrikBengtsson opened this issue · 1 comments

print() for BatchtoolsFuture should report on the template file used

Implemented. Also for the conf.file. Example from SGE:

> library(future.batchtools)
> plan(batchtools_sge)
> f <- future(42)
> print(f)
Loading required package: future
TRACKER: .GlobalEnv changed: 1 variable added ('.Random.seed')
TRACKER: loadedNamespaces() changed: 7 packages loaded ('fansi', 'fs', 'glue', 'magrittr', 'pillar', 'tibble', 'utf8')
TRACKER: .Random.seed changed
Label: '<none>'
[1] 42
Lazy evaluation: FALSE
Asynchronous evaluation: TRUE
Local evaluation: TRUE
Environment: R_GlobalEnv
Capture standard output: TRUE
Capture condition classes: 'condition' (excluding 'nothing')
Globals: <none>
Packages: <none>
L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG seed: <none> (seed = FALSE)
Resolved: FALSE
Value: <not collected>
Conditions captured: <none>
Early signaling: FALSE
Owner process: 3c2ef8a7-0dd5-4398-aaa2-1f6e2ac84ae5
Class: 'BatchtoolsFuture', 'Future', 'environment'
batchtools configuration file: <NA>
batchtools cluster functions: 'SGE'
batchtools cluster functions template: '~/.batchtools.sge.tmpl' (1530 bytes; 54 lines)
batchtools status: 'defined', 'queued', 'submitted', 'system'
batchtools Registry:
  File dir exists: TRUE
  Work dir exists: TRUE
Job Registry
  Backend  : SGE
  File dir : /wynton/home/cbi/hb/repositories/future.batchtools/.future-set-during-startup/20221210_122736-EGwx0Y/batchtools_895384078
  Work dir : /wynton/home/cbi/hb/repositories/future.batchtools
  Jobs     : 1
  Seed     : 5044
  Writeable: TRUE