Installs KinectToVR and it's dependencies for people who can't read.
I've been spending a concerning amount of time helping people set up KinectToVR mostly for VRChat. And I've realized that most of the instructions I've been giving out could be turned into an install script. That's what this is. One big PS1 file compiled with PS2EXE that tries to do as clean an install of K2VR to your PC.
- Add support for launching automatically with SteamVR as an overlay. (You can already kinda do it using the vrmanifest files included in the repo)
- More hand-holding for peculiar setups, notably Xbox One Kinect with Rift S or Lighthouse-based headsets.
- Headset detection for Pimax, ALVR and VirtualDesktop.
- ...Maybe a GUI?
- Better Kinect detection that isn't based on device "FriendlyNames"
- Localization
Uhhh, just make a PR or an issue, fork or do whatever. I don't Git at all.
Clone the project either manually or from the console.
Grab a copy of PS2EXE and in a Powershell window, run
.\PS2EXE.ps1 -requireAdmin -noError -x64 -iconFile .\installer-icon.ico -InputFile .\installer.ps1 -OutputFile .\build\installer.exe
During debugging, you should probably remove -noError
This project is possible because of
KinectToVR by Sharkyh20