Use these files to make maps.
The directories are grouped by the outer boundary of the files contained therein. For example, all of the files in the india
directory will have India's borders as their outer boundary.
Each lowest-level directory contains shapefiles and a README describing the files' source and the delimitation in which they were created. (Many of these READMEs are empty or incomplete. You can help by contributing.)
You'll find a few different file types which can be used to make maps with different software.
- .json GeoJSON.
- .kml Keyhole Markup Language.
- .zip Shapefiles, including the zip file with all three necessary file formats — .shp, .shx, and .dbf. Sometimes also including .cpg, .prj and .qpj.
Though we have attempted to gather these files from the most reliable sources available, we do not guarantee their accuracy. You use these files at your own risk.