
Software and APIs used to run the Open Dashcam (ODC) devices that collect data on the Hivemapper Mapping Network

Primary LanguageTypeScript

About the Open Dashcam (ODC)

The Open Dashcam (ODC) project is an open source hardware and software toolkit for building dashcam devices that collect data on the Hivemapper Mapping Network. The ODC API provides the core software needed to run the dashcam and connect the dashcam to the Hivemapper App enabling data to be transferred to the mapping network via the app.

The Hivemapper Dashcam is one of the first dashcams being built using the ODC software toolkit.

Data Flow

The Open Dashcam (ODC) device and software enables collection and transfer of imagery and location data to the Hivemapper Mapping Network as illustrated below.

End to End Data Flow


To make it up-n-running, it's as simple as

  1. Make sure you have NodeJS installed on your device
  2. Copy /compiled folder to some cozy place on your device (better lib/opt folders, /tmp is not a good idea)
  3. Run the ODC API single-file service: node odc-api-<camera name>.js
  4. Check if it's working: http://<YOUR_DEVICE_IP>:5000/api/1/info should return readable JSON to you
  5. Enjoy!

How to Compile

For a quick start,

npm install
npm run build
npm run start

Check if it's healthy: http://localhost:5000/api/1/info.

Compile on Dev

To configure it for your device, create your own camera config file under /config folder, and make sure it is set as default under /config/index.ts

To build a standalone server file:

npm run compile-dev --camera=hdc

Server will get compiled into single file with bunch of fixtures next to it, and located in compiled/ folder

To check if everything OK with compiled server file, execute:

npm run start-compiled

And double-check if it's healthy: http://localhost:5000/api/1/info

Running on Dashcam

Steps taken on your machine:

npm run compile-dev --camera=hdc

# Connect to dashcam wifi

scp ./compiled/dashcam-api.js root@

ssh -t root@

First, configure the service on your camera to run & keep alive Node process for ODC API file, here is an example of such a service configuration for HDC camera:


Once configured,

systemctl stop <your camera service>
rm /opt/dashcam/bin/dashcam-api.js
mv /tmp/dashcam-api.js /opt/dashcam/bin/
systemctl start  <your camera service>

And you can now test!


If you're on a mac, as you're starting up the server, you might run into an EADDRINUSE error on port 5000. This port is reserved for Apple's Airplay receiver. Turn it off here: System Preferences > General > disable Airplay Receiver







Live Stream



Please note: the entire API prefixed with api/1/ string.

So any API request for you will look like http://<Dashcam_Host>:<Api_Port>/api/1/<Api_Url>

Please note #2: If you fetch a static file (frame / GPS file / IMU file), prefix your request with public/ string.

So any request for a static file will look like http://<Dashcam_Host>:<Api_Port>/public/pic/<Frame_File_Name>



GET /info

Method to return information about current ODC API version and firmware data (build, version, etc)

$ curl --GET

  "build_date":"Thu Aug 25 16:27:26 UTC 2022",



Request to initiate the communication between App and the camera. Requires current timestamp to be provided.

Camera time will be reset to the time provided by this API call.

$ curl --GET



List of GPS files


Request to get the list of gps files containing on the dashcam. Filters since and until provide a possibility to get a particular range of results.

$ curl --GET


Single GPS file

GET /public/gps/

Request to get the contents of particular GPS file

$ curl --GET

Get GPS sample

GET /gps/sample

Request to get the contents of particular GPS file

$ curl --GET

  "timestamp": ...

Get Raw GPS Messages

GET /gps/raw/<num_msg>

Request to get num_msg binary messages from the M9N.



List of IMU files


Request to get the list of IMU files containing on the dashcam. Filters since and until provide a possibility to get a particular range of results.

$ curl --GET


Single IMU file

GET /public/imu/

Request to get the contents of particular IMU file

$ curl --GET


List of Frames

GET /recordings?since=<UNIX_TIMESTAMP>&until<UNIX_TIMESTAMP>

Request to get the list of frames being created on camera.

Filters since and until provide a possibility to get a particular range of results.

$ curl --GET


Single Frame

GET /public/pic/

Request to get the particular frame by its filename.

$ curl --GET

Live Stream

Start Live Stream

GET /preview/start

Method to start the process of streaming live video from camera. To access a live stream, once it successfully started, hit the following URL:

Obvious note: your current connection with the camera is going to be terminated

$ curl --GET

  "status": "started"

Stop Live Stream

GET /preview/stop

Method to tear down current P2P interface on camera, and make Wi-Fi Access Point up & running.

Important note: your current connection with the camera is going to be terminated

$ curl --GET

  "status": "stopped"


Switch to P2P

GET /network/p2p

Method to tear down current Access Point interface on camera, and make Wi-Fi Direct P2P up & running.

Obvious note: your current connection with the camera is going to be terminated

$ curl --GET

  "output": "done"

Switch to AP

GET /network/ap

Method to tear down current P2P interface on camera, and make Wi-Fi Access Point up & running.

Important note: your current connection with the camera is going to be terminated

$ curl --GET

  "output": "done"