ROS Nodes for Locomotion, Obstacle Avoidance and Mine Detection
- Unzip the "hratc2017_workspace" code folder to ~/hratc2017_workspace/src/
- The instructions below assume you have installed the HRATC 2017 code/simulator at ~/hratc2017_workspace/src
- Procedure to compile and run
- Open move_base.launch via any text editor and please change path variable in lines (7,8,9,10,11) as per your directory
- Open terminal and run the following commands
- cd ~/hratc2017_workspace
- catkin_make
- roslaunch controller mine_detection.launch
- Components Used
- The laser scanner, metal detectors, gps, imu is used.
- Modules Implemented
- A custom holonomic proportional control for p3at
- Waypoint Generation in Lawn Mover Pattern
- Land-Mine Detection and Avoidance
- Things to be done and tweaked in future
- A star for Obstacle Avoidance where GPS Coordinates are given
- Tangent Bug for new obstacles