[TPAMI 2020] Learning 3D Human Shape and Pose from Dense Body Parts
- Aaron20127UESTC
- achigeor
- arpu1170 Vienna
- chingswy
- chongyangmaByteDance
- chuan92
- DerrickWang005The University of Sydney
- fly51flyPRIS
- fyhteaHangzhou
- ggsonic
- gokriznasticNortheastern University
- ijzepedaToronto
- isarandiReal Virtual Humans, University of Tübingen
- jinx2018SH
- li-haoranHarbin Institute of Technology
- liuchenneu
- lksmiling
- MahmoudTamamAlexandria, Egypt
- MercurialzhangShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
- Moon0shang
- natowi
- qoqoh
- silphireIndividual
- Taye310Beijing University of Technology
- ucaswindlikeICT CAS
- ujemdFraunhofer HHI
- ustcjinggg
- walsvidByteDance
- Wangyupei
- weigqByteDance
- wolf943134497
- xiaobaozi1996
- xjturobocon
- yuanluxuFacebook
- YuliangXiuMax Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
- zerchenINRIA