
Complete The "Inference Model Output" Section In Gitbook Documentation

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Only the log likelihoods are lightly documented currently: https://iddynamics.gitbook.io/flepimop/model-inference/inference-model-output. Came up briefly in a discussion with @jcblemai, but creating a issue to track it.

Thanks for pointing this out Tim! There is some documentation on the other model outputs here - https://iddynamics.gitbook.io/flepimop/gempyor/output-files

Do you think that covers what you are looking for? I admit it is probably incomplete, and perhaps now is outdated (not sure), but may be a helpful starting point at least even?

Ah, that covers the other folders in great detail, thank you! Still going to keep this issue open for now since that page could use some fleshing out, but the other details cover my current need.