Patch modern Broadcom Wi-Fi card on the fly when doing a fresh install with macOS Sonoma and Sequoia
- 2600box
- alcadiosystemDanielApps
- cangokdayiSomewhere warm
- ChaldronChicago
- chepe263Interenet
- DrimingGuangzhou,China
- drwhy75privat
- eucharistia
- ExodazTH
- gorouflex2VK - VVK
- jzjz2000
- kevbenjam
- MattsthomeK
- muhammad-syaifudinJakarta
- odyaKyiv
- PeaceDont
- perez987Spain
- Polipo-Dev
- rscunha13Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
- ryanilano
- seanclancy
- slaughtering
- soham2008xyz@RenderbitTechnologies @OneWalletHub
- tristan-kGermany
- unitedastronomer
- Ur4ela
- ziesnp57