
Skills practical exercise for interview candidates


You have 24 hours to complete the following tasks. Time begins when you fork the repo. Automate as much as possible and be creative (the requirements below are minimum requirements). If you make assumptions when completing the steps, be sure to discuss those as part of your final documentation. Use the DigitalOcean API token provided via email.

Create a DigitalOcean droplet with the following:
CentOS 7.x 64-bit OS
SSH key-based login
New York 1 region
1 vCPU
512 MB RAM
20GB disk
non-privileged account “wannabe” with password set to “P@ssw0rd”
US/Central timezone
script in /usr/local/bin (language of your choosing):
This script should output the current date and time every 10 seconds, in format of your choosing

Log into droplet
Configure system to disallow password based login (allow key-based login only)
Create a startup script that will run as the “wannabe” user and will launch a docker container inside the droplet. The container should run in the background and execute your script from the droplet filesystem
When finished with configuration, leave the droplet in a powered-off state

Document the entire process (in format of your choosing)

Create a GitHub pull request with any script and configuration files that you created or modified, your SSH private key (that corresponds to the droplet’s public key), and documentation