
Unity Runtime Command Console For Easy Cheat Codes and Developers Commands

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Unity Command Console

very simple Command Console to create cheat codes and easy developers commands gif


  • Methods, Fields and Properties
  • Static and non Static Objects
  • Public and Private
  • Method Return Types
  • Method Prameters (float ,int, string, Vector2-3, Color, Enums) and more
  • Auto Complete Suggestions
  • Custom Command Options Callback
  • Customizable UI

How To Use

simply add ConsoleCommandAttribute to any field property or method

//or with Constructor parameters
[ConsoleCommand(command: "SetPlayerGold", description: "Sets Player Gold Amount",objectExecutionType: MonoObjectExecutionType.Option)]

Constructor parameters

  1. command: the command you need to type in the console to execute
    • default value: (field, property, method) name
  2. description: command description in the help commands list
    • default value: string.empty
  3. helpMenu: the option to include this command in the help commands list
    • default value: True
  4. objectExecutionType: determines how the command would be executed
    • MonoObjectExecutionType.FirstInHierarchy: will execute on the first object in hierarchy assigned to the command
    • MonoObjectExecutionType.All: will execute on all objects in hierarchy assigned with the command
    • MonoObjectExecutionType.Option: will allow the user to choose and execute the command on a specific object from the hierarchy. This option provides flexibility, as it enables the user to select a single object from the hierarchy and apply the command only to that particular object.
    • default value: MonoObjectExecutionType.FirstInHierarchy


  • Methods
        public void KillAllEnemies()
            Debug.Log("DIE DIE DIE!");
        [ConsoleCommand(command: "SetPlayerGold", description: "",helpMenu: true,objectExecutionType: MonoObjectExecutionType.Option)]
        private void MethodWithArguments(string playerName, int gold)
            Debug.Log($"player {playerName}'s gold: {gold}");
        private static void LoadLevel(string levelName)


  • Fields and Properties
        [ReadOnly] public int health = 0;
        //Multi Commands
        [ConsoleCommand("SetHealth","[Integer Input]")]
        public int Health
            get => health;
                Debug.Log("Health Property Value: " + value);
                health = value;


  • Custom Command Options Callback

    allows you to add your list of executable options in one command

        public CommandOptionsCallback SetGraphics()
            var options = new CommandOptionsCallback();
            options.AddOption("Low", () => QualitySettings.SetQualityLevel(0));
            options.AddOption("Medium", () => QualitySettings.SetQualityLevel(1));
            options.AddOption("High", () => QualitySettings.SetQualityLevel(2));
            return options;

        public CommandOptionsCallback TeleportTo()
            => new CommandOptionsCallback(
                new CommandOption("Wolfden", () => Debug.Log("teleported to Wolfden")),
                new CommandOption("Sudbury", () => Debug.Log("teleported to Sudbury")),
                new CommandOption("Hogsfeet", () => Debug.Log("teleported to Hogsfeet")));



Class / Method Description
FetchCommandAttributes() Fetches all the commands from the static classes and the MonoBehaviours in the scene. This can be called manually if you want to update the commands in the console.
ExecuteCommand(command, commandArguments, executeLogCallback) Executes the command with the given arguments if the command is found.
SetOptionsFormatter(formatter) Sets the function to format command options. This function will be called when options are available for a command.
GetConsoleCommandDescription() Gets a list of ConsoleCommandAttributes that describe all available commands in the console.
unityLogMessages Indicates whether the console should receive Unity log messages.
fetchMode Specifies when the console should fetch commands (OnSceneLoad, OnConsoleTrigger, BeforeExecutingAnyCommand).
objectNameDisplay Specifies how the object name should be displayed (GameObject Name, Class Name, Class Member Name).
commandInputFieldColor The color of the command input field.
textColor The color of the console text.
parameterColor The color of the command parameters.
autoCompleteColor The color of the auto-completion text.
inputPrefixStyle The style of the input prefix (Date, Dash, None, Custom).
inputPrefixColor The color of the input prefix.
customInputPrefix The custom input prefix to use if the inputPrefixStyle is set to Custom.
dateFormat The date format to use if the inputPrefixStyle is set to Date. Default format HH:MM:SS
autoCompletionKey The key used to trigger auto-completion.
submitKey The key used to submit a command.
ToggleConsole() Opens or closes the console. Invokes the OnConsole event with the current state (Active/Deactivate).
HandleCommandInput(commandInput, executionLogCallback) Handles the command input and executes the command if found.
FormatInput(prefix) Formats the input with an optional prefix.
OnConsole This event is raised every time the console is opened or closed.
OnCommandExecuted This event is raised every time a command is executed with its name.
OnCommandExecutedWithParameters This event is raised every time a command is executed with its name and parameters.