
High-end WebGL renderer for three.js (ABANDONED)

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

HYPER3D WebGL Renderer

Examples — Documentation — Roadmapjsdo.itで試す

This version of Hyper3D is no longer developed. Meanwhile, Hyper3D 3, the completely overhauled WebGL framework, is being developed here!

HYPER3D is a high-end (unofficial) renderer for three.js.


  • Modern rendering engine
    • Physically based rendering
    • Roughness-metallic material workflow with support for custom shaders
    • High dynamic range rendering
    • High-quality post-effects
  • Development support
    • Includes TypeScript definition
    • Integrated GPU Profiler

More features are coming! See Roadmap.

Supported three.js Objects

Following three.js objects can safely be used with Hyper3D.

  • Mesh, SkinnedMesh
  • Points
  • Geometry, BufferGeometry
    • Current limitation: when using a Geometry, calling dispose() on it doesn't reclaim memory.
  • PerspectiveCamera
  • AmbientLight, DirectionalLight, PointLight
    • Current limitation: semantics of PointLight's parameters differs significantly. Recommended to use Hyper.PointLight instead for future compatibility.
    • Current limitation: shadowBias and shadowMapSize is hardcoded.
    • Shadow can be rendered by setting castShadow to true. However, most parameters related to the shadow rendering are computed automatically and cannot be overrided.
    • shadowDarkness is not supported because it doesn't have a physical meaning.
  • Texture, CubeTexture
    • Current limitation 1: texture parameters are not respected
    • Current limitation 2: compressed textures are not supported
  • MeshBasicMaterial, MeshPhongMaterial
    • Current limitation: transparency is not supported at all. Vertex color is not supported.
    • Colored specular reflection, wireframe, lightMap, aoMap is not supported. Wireframe is not supported.
    • specularMap is treated as a roughness map.
    • Environment maps are not supported. Use Hyper.ReflectionProbe instead.
    • Most of the properties defined in the base class Material are not supported.
  • PointsMaterial
    • Current limitation 1: transparency is not supported at all. Vertex color is not supported.
    • Current limitation 2: sizeAttenuation is ignored and the point size is always specified in the world-space coordinate system.

Hyper3D-specific Objects

  • Hyper.WebGLHyperRenderer
  • Hyper.ReflectionProbe (inherits from THREE.Object3D)
    • Current limitation: positional probe is not supported.
  • Hyper.Material
    • Current limitation: transparency is not supported at all. discard; still works
    • This class allows you to write a custom shader that generates material parameters like m_albedo and m_roughness. This itself cannot be used as a material. It should be instantiated by creating Hyper.MaterialInstance.
  • Hyper.MaterialInstance (inherits from THREE.Material)
  • Hyper.PointLight (inherits from THREE.PointLight)
    • Current limitation: sized lights are not supported.


Before building Hyper3D, the following programs must be installed:


# Clone the repository (you can just download ZIP instead)
git clone https://github.com/Hyper3D/hyper3d.git
cd hyper3d

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Download TypeScript definitions
npm run-script tsd-install

Build as standalone JS library

npm run-script build

hyper3d.js and hyper3d.min.js are generated in the build directory. You can use them like this:

<script type="application/javascript" src="three.min.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript" src="hyper3d.min.js"></script>

Build as npm package

If you intend to use Hyper3D on Browserify-based apps, you might want a npm package instead of a simple JS file. In this case, run the following command:

npm run-script lib

# ..or, rebuild automatically whenever a source file was modified
# npm run-script watch

After running these command this library can be used in your project by using npm link.


Contributions are always welcome. Feel free to talk to the developers.
