In this workshop you will learn about pandas and geopandas by exploring UK Crime Data in a Jupyter notebook
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- 7ycdRaleigh. NC
- amnah99
- cpoptic
- Databackbone
- DrTnU1
- gc-robotics
- ghosharindamOviva AG
- glukicovLondon
- H3ll3m4
- In2ruder
- Jamesgithub3
- jonkingseestheworldThe Midlands, UK
- kevinee
- Meaad96sPIF
- mohammedtouheedpatelgithubcomUniversity of Delaware
- nimicent@AWS
- petergaal
- philippe-gregoireIBM in France
- raineydavid@womencancode @womenintech
- RazvanFarteFarte Razvan-Dan PFA
- rfdiazpr49748
- RHmiltiRed Hat
- Richieone13London, UK
- SaraM92UIC
- sasha-talks-techSan Francisco
- ShantanilBagchiCyderes
- Shuaib-8London, United Kingdom
- shubhamwaghVeridium
- simranmasand
- skaparelos
- sshankarn
- tiVu99University of Southampton
- tjnewton
- uluaskb
- urmee04Rochester Hills, MI