Foro del Curso de Python

Go Report Card

Un servidor para enseñar Python provisto por la IEEE


Patricio Whittingslow. Voluntario de la rama IEEE-ITBA. Alumno de ingeniería Mecánica.

curso: a saloon homage

A place to chat and communicate. Basically, a forum.

This is a Buffalo application based heavily on the excellent but now derelict go-saloon/saloon.

It uses Postgres SQL database and OAuth2 using goth.

Thanks to Sebastian Binet and the go-saloon authors for providing a sturdy foundation for this forum app.








Replies on topic


How to run application (static binary)

The app can be run from a binary (.exe on windows) without any need of installation. If you choose to do this you will forgo development capabilities. To do this you must download the assets folder from the github repository and the latest release for your operating system. Keep the binary and assets in the same directory. You'll also need to have Postgres running. The simplest way to do this is by downloading docker and following these steps to setup a database. To run migrations on the db you can use the binary file with the migate argument once postgres is running.

./curso-binary migrate 

Look at step 7 for environment configuration.

See for a in depth, step-by-step explanation on how to setup a server.

Steps to run the server and develop it

  1. First step is to install go from

  2. Install buffalo from

  3. Install front-end package managers and build tools. If you are running a linux machine you'll only need yarnpkg. If you are running windows things might get hairy (see windows front end installation at the end of this document)

    sudo apt install yarnpkg
  4. Clone this repo on your machine

    git clone
  5. Run the following command in ~/Curso-de-Python-Sistemas directory. This will install buffalo-pop which is the defacto database manager plugin for buffalo. This will enable you to run buffalo pop <cmd> commands

    buffalo plugins install
  6. Create your database according to database.yml config file. The following section explains how to do that, for now I'll assume you have a SQL database up and running according to database.yml.

  7. Setup the environment. This server support containerization with soypat/gontainer (requires a linux filesystem to get running. Alpine Linux is recommended.)

    # Required for OAuth2 (Default uses google as provider)
    GGL_SECRET_FORUM=xxxxxxxxx # This is google's secret API token (client secret)
    GGL_KEY_FORUM=1113333333-xXxXxXXX  # This is google's client ID
    # See other provider env in actions/auth.go under init() function
    # Optional
    # Nothing below this line is required to make the server work
    # --------------
    # Warning! gontainer requires root privilges just like any other application which performs a chroot
    # It is suggested test development depend on the system's python (set GONTAINER_FS="" or don't set it)
    GONTAINER_FS=/home/myuser/alpinefs # Path to linux filesystem with python3 installation
    FORUM_HOST=  # If hosting on non-local address this is required for proper callback function
    PORT=3000 #Default
    ADDR= # Default
    FORUM_LOGLVL=info # Default
    PY_TIMEOUT=500ms # duration format. decides max cpu time for python interpreter (default 500ms)
    # SMTP server (as would be set in ~/.bashrc)
    # Set this up if you want replies to trigger notification Email
    export CURSO_SEND_MAIL=true
    export SMTP_PORT=587 #for google
    export SMTP_PASSWORD=abc123
    export CURSO_MAIL_NOTIFY_IN_REPLY_TO="Curso de Python 2020 - 2C"
    export CURSO_MAIL_NOTIFY_LIST_ID="Notificaciones Foro <>"
    export CURSO_MAIL_NOTIFY_SUBJECT_HDR="Te han respondido - Curso de Python"
    export # Configurar alias para usar este campo. Si no configuro el alias: usar ${SMTP_USER} para esta variable

    It is worth noting if GONTAINER_FS is not set the server will use the system python installation. gontainer requires linux to run.

    For more information on SMTP see mailers/mailers.go.

  8. Run buffalo dev in the project directory (as root on linux if using gontainer). Wait a couple seconds for the following lines to show up

    INFO[2020-09-12T16:48:58-03:00] Starting application at
    INFO[2020-09-12T16:48:58-03:00] Starting Simple Background Worker
  9. Enjoy your forum at To add an admin login to the site and see section on accessing the database

Some ending notes
Buffalo ships with the dev command that will watch your application and automatically rebuild the Go binary and any assets for you. That's useful when developing. Keep in mind buffalo logs are default ANSI encoded for pretty colors. This can be turned off in logger config if you prefer simple logs. To view ANSI logs you can get Sublime editor and install AnsiEscape plugin.

Database Management

Database setup

One needs a database to run curso. Here is an example, running postgres inside a docker container:

$> docker run --name forum-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=1337 -p 5432:5432 -d postgres

or optionally you can straight up create the curso db to not have to let buffalo create it on it's own:

docker run --name forum-postgres  \
-e POSTGRES_DB=curso \
-p 5432:5432 -d postgres

with this you are ready to run buffalo pop migrate and start up your application!

After commit fc0bdb9 buffalo pop migrate creates a default 'Curso' forum with a category so users can start trying it out right away.

Create your databases the hard way

If you did not create a database with POSTGRES_DB and POSTGRES_USER environment variables set then you must create the database beforehand. Remember the default docker POSTGRES_USER and POSTGRES_DB is postgres (for both) so you should change your database.yml file to match that.

Ok, so you've edited the database.yml file and started postgres, now Buffalo can create the databases in that file for you:

$> buffalo pop create -a

You can now run buffalo pop migrate to initialize the forum and the content of its database.

Access the database

So you probably have the server up and running but probably have no forum to post in and are unable to create forums! What a conundrum. To create a forum you need to be an admin. To do this you first must login to the site. After that access the site through docker:

docker exec -it forum-postgres psql -U pato -W curso

where forum-postgres is the image name, pato is the user for the -U flag, and curso is the name of the database. These last two are postgres by default if not explicitly set. If you get an error message you may be getting the username or docker image name wrong. Run docker ps for a list of images currently running.

Now you are in the SQL console run FROM users SELECT *; (caps are not necessary) to verify everything is in working condition. You should see your user show up. Now you can run the update command to admin yourself:

UPDATE users 
SET role='admin'
WHERE email='';

Remember the trailing semicolon to execute the query. UPDATE 1 should print to console showing the query was successful. Now refresh the page and see if it works!

Pinning a topic

We can use SQL. Access the database as seen in the previous section and run

UPDATE topics 
SET created_at = DATE '2020-09-21 17:45:00'
WHERE id = '4c8c42c6-9b61-4491-adca-547d576a19cf';

where the long number is the topic UUID. It appears in the topic's url so it should be easy to copy. To set how long the post is pinned just add the number of days to the current date. For example, if today is the 28th of September 2020 and I wanted the post to be pinned a month or so then created_at could be set to DATE '2020-10-28'. This will work since topics are organized by date published and older topics are sorted last.

Backing up database

To save all SQL entries on the database run following command in sudo

echo PG_PASSWORD | docker exec -i forum-postgres pg_dump curso -U pato -W > sqldump

where PG_PASSWORD is your database password. This will write the sql dump to a file on the computer called sqldump. This file contains ALL the information. Last lines of the file should be the following if ran correctly:

-- PostgreSQL database dump complete

Migrating database to new SQL DB

Have sqldump handy (from previous guide on how to back up databases). The following command (as sudo) copies sqldump on your computer to a docker container:

docker cp ./sqldump forum-postgres:/home

the sqldump will be in /home folder on your container. Now access the database with bash docker exec -it forum-postgres bash, and run:

cat /home/sqldump | psql curso -U pato

Command above will pipe the old sql database in sqldump to postgres and update accordingly. It is recommended that the database be brand new and not have any tables.

Altering tables in production

If one wanted to add functionality to, say, topics one should modify the models/table.go file and add column name. Then when implemented in the server back end code one should simply use the ALTER TABLE command in postgres console.

Example with BOOL

   ADD archived BOOL NOT NULL

where BOOL is the datatype. Remember to specify if the field can be null. You can check out commit 6b6809a or fc0bdb9 when this change was made for a real life example of what was changed.

Example with Slices.UUID represented as varchar[]

ALTER TABLE topics ADD voters varchar[] 
    CONSTRAINT voters_d DEFAULT '{}';

If you accidentally contrain the column badly or regret the column creation in any way one can drop the column using

ALTER TABLE table_name 
DROP COLUMN column_name;

To delete a row use DELETE

DELETE FROM users WHERE email = '';

Windows Front-end packages

  1. Install scoop! minimalistic package manager
  2. scoop install nodejs
  3. scoop install yarn
  4. npm gotta have python and c++ build tools for node-sass, don't ask me why, windows sucks. Run following in powershell in admin mode
npm install -g node-gyp
npm install --global --production windows-build-tools

Various other helper sections

Oops, I uploaded sensitive content or emails

Taken from git official doc.

git filter-branch --force --index-filter \
  "git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch passwords_and_sensitive_data.csv" \
  --prune-empty --tag-name-filter cat -- --all
# write file to gitignore to avoid adding it again in future
echo "passwords_and_sensitive_data.csv" >> .gitignore
# repeat above steps for all unwanted files
git add .gitignore
git commit -m "passwords_and_sensitive_data.csv to .gitignore"
# once sure you've removed all files push to branch
git push origin --force --all
# In order to remove the sensitive file from your tagged releases, you'll also need to force-push against your Git tags:
git push origin --force --tags

How to block WAN connections (security)

Drop requests to postgresql that are not from local IPs.

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5432 -s -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5432 -s -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5432 -j DROP

Pull server logs from script

Download server logs and append to file. Also rewrites server-side logs to be blank so be careful how you store downloaded logs.

#! /bin/bash

export FOLDER=Curso-de-Python-Sistemas
export USER=ur_user
export SERVER-IP=
export SV_PATH="/home/${USER}/${FOLDER}"
export LOG_PATH="${SV_PATH}/nohup.out"
export GET_CMD="cat ${LOG_PATH} &>> ./curso.log"
export FORWARD_CMD="echo \" -- LOG START --\" > ${LOG_PATH}"

ssh -i ~/.ssh/curso-whittileaks.pem ${USER}@$SERVER-IP \
 cat ${LOG_PATH} &>> ./curso.log

ssh -i ~/.ssh/curso-whittileaks.pem ${USER}@$SERVER-IP ${FORWARD_CMD}
echo "done"

how i did this

Don't bother reading this. These are notes for myself if I ever try building a new buffalo app in the future.

buffalo new curso then cd curso

buffalo pop g model user name nick provider provider_id email role subscriptions -> modify models/user.go -> change subscriptions to slices.UUID type. change all types that are not fit for default datatype.

migration for users

create_table("users") {
    t.Column("id", "uuid", {primary: true})
    t.Column("name", "string", {})
    t.Column("nick", "string", {})
    t.Column("provider", "string", {})
    t.Column("provider_id", "string", {})
    t.Column("email", "string", {})
    t.Column("role", "string", {})
    t.Column("subscriptions", "varchar[]", {"null": true})
" This is a comment "
add_index("users", ["provider", "provider_id", "role"], {"unique":true})

buffalo pop migrate

Same goes for other db tables. buffalo pop g model forum title description logo defcon staff. db type for []byte is blob