- 96wangfengUSTC
- ajayjainGenmo
- Alan-zhong
- CharlieShenshen
- effort741
- EsportsNB
- FENGGENYUSimon Fraser University
- ff-k
- fly51flyPRIS
- forestsen
- FrozenSilentICT, CAS
- gaolinorangeIntelligent Graphics Laboratory (IGL), ICT
- HuntleyZIntelligent Processor Research Center, ICT
- JT5DThe IMC Lab + Gallery
- jwzxgy2007
- LeerwBeijing, China
- lixiaNii
- lixiongguo
- mxllcUniversity of Hong Kong
- onlineplayInstitute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- pigtigger
- RivaLeiWuhan University
- RyanRuihanGBeijing
- smilemerry
- SSockYepRepublic of Korea
- SunYangtianUSTB and ICT
- tommaoerICT, CAS
- VanGy-codeChina
- Wendy-Yang-89
- wtishere
- XinYu-AndyThe University of Hong Kong
- XposederAnHui Normal University
- yfk-UCAS
- zhixiongzuo