Rewrite "gene cart manager" (gene lists) page

Closed this issue · 9 comments

@amahurkar said this should be the next priority in the UI rewrites, and since @jorvis is still busy with other things, I will take first crack at this.

Features #403, #405 will be added.

#587, #617 will be addressed.

#598 may be added as a future or implemented in a different way.

Few initial observations

  • Navigating to any of the other tabs (Single-gene Curator) works fine, but can't navigate back to gene lists
  • Once opening the page, downloading a tsv of the genes results in 0 byte file
  • Editing the metadata and saving (without doing any changes) results in the options disappearing for the gene list and Organism gets input as an HTML object (screenshot below)
    Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 4 00 21 PM
  • Search seems to have issues picking up partial names, SURFACE doesn't pick up SURFACE_MARKER and Tono misses Tonotopic Axis (Koo et.al. 2021)
  • (Minor) clicking the 1 or 2 page selector results in a duplicated page selector appearing for a split second. Not really a problem just looks slightly buggy.

I forgot I need to adjust the download capabilities. It was working yesterday for unweighted gene carts, but I forgot adjust the code when I edited the unweighted gene cart preview to show a table.

Some of the navigation buttons don't work yet. I guess we are adding links as we create the page, and I forgot to do this one.

I just fixed the nav buttons

I've addressed all of @DanLesperance's suggestions with commits except Search seems to have issues picking up partial names, SURFACE doesn't pick up SURFACE_MARKER and Tono misses Tonotopic Axis (Koo et.al. 2021). I think that may be more of a @jorvis one since he has worked on the search functionality in the past (though I'm willing to take a crack)

I don't mind if you want to look. Currently it uses the database full text indexes to perform SQL 'MATCH AGAINST" which, at least by default, don't support substring matches, but it gives us scoring metrics to sort by.

development server is updated for more testing

Closing and taking the "search terms" bug and making a new feature out that. Please create a new ticket for any bugs/suggestions