Dotplot on Multigene Displays Scrunching Dots Together after large amount of genes in display

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When in multigene display if the gene list/cart is above a certain number in the display the dots start to scrunch together, but only a certain number of gene names show up. Might be best to limit the display to only X number of genes and dots and to provide a warning/caution label similar to the ensembl ID mapping multiple genes caution label.

Below figure is from the Adult Highlighted Profile with Highlighted Gene cart: Cochlear HCs Adult (14 genes)
Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 9 35 47 AM

One thing I could do is reduce the overall size of the 100% fraction / group dependent on the number of genes in the column.

A while back I added a Javascript file called plot_display_config.js that lets me set different configurations per plot and per page. If this is a "gene-search" results page issue, then I could also adjust the marker sizes for dot plots on that page only.

One thing I'm wary of is if the revised gene search results page will scale differently, which would affect how the plots render.