Write test suites

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We can split these into individual tickets too if need be.

Frontend (mock backend calls, ideally run on github actions runner)

  • integration tests to ensure expected user interactivity happens (ex. Clicking buttons, not seeing certain things if not logged in)
  • gene collectnon manager
  • dataset explorer
  • single gene curator
  • multigene curator
  • user account page
  • home page
  • gene search view
  • projection search view
  • compare tool
  • analysis workbench
  • contact page
  • documentation

Backend (ideally run on gnthub actions runner)

  • too much code to list (ideally cover everything but decide priorities first)
  • mock db calls and maybe computational stuff.
  • create test Anndata obj.
  • Mostly test functions and refactor code to make more testable functional units

End-to-end tests

  • Mostly tests made by @JPReceveur. And @DanLesperance
  • These should use actual api calls, db transactions, etc... no mocking
  • will span multiple pages and combine interactions in a meaningful way
  • will ideally run on devel server, which would require devel server to be a "self-hosted runner" that we could pull code down for automated testing with github actions