Changing scoring method results in nonsensical values for svgs

Opened this issue · 3 comments

On the expression page, changing the scoring method dropdown for svgs results in values that don't make sense. Selecting tissue scope also results in the color gradient showing no numbers (screenshot from the hearing profile). Is there any reason someone would want a scoring other than gene?

Screenshot 2024-02-03 at 10 58 22 AM

Will let @jorvis comment on the scenarios for the other options. I'll double-check and ensure the tissue/dataset scoring is correct (consistent with v1 of gear)

Here is the rationale for the different scoring scopes, which was a feature requested by Ronna since the beginning. We can certainly revisit and see if we want to keep this. I agree, it seems to be seldom changed.

Screenshot from 2024-02-03 15-17-18

I may be misheard at the time, but I believe one of the workshop attendees for Joe or Joshua's workshop had a question that indirectly asked for the dataset-level scoring