Index and expression page - highlight region if no dataset collection selected after searching

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Currently if the user attempts to search without selecting a collection, a toast-like message (correctly) appears to let the user know to select a collection. But it would be useful to highlight the box they need to change ("is-danger" border) so they will know what to change.

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 8 24 46 AM

An example of what I think should happen. May some small help text under to say "this is required". I already have some CSS here


Lines 112 to 127 in 335197d

.select.is-success select, .input.is-success, .textarea.is-success{
border-color: #539400; /* overwrite default success for .select */
.select.is-success:not(:hover)::after {
border-color: #539400; /* overwrite default success for .select */
.select.is-danger select, .input.is-danger, .textarea.is-danger{
border-color: #942400; /* overwrite default success for .select */
.select.is-danger:not(:hover)::after {
border-color: #942400; /* overwrite default success for .select */
that will overwrite the default "salmon"-looking is-danger class coloring that we have in our SASS file for these situations with "select" objects

For now I've implemented it with coloring only, but no separate label, which can be added later if needed. I tried a few views of it and it didn't fit well with the rest of the form.