
🦄 Hyprland Cute Dotfiles

Primary LanguagePython

  • Window ManagerHyprland 🎨 Tiles Everywhere!
  • ShellZsh 🐚 con starship Cross Shell Platform!
  • TerminalWezTerm 💻 A powerful term with gpu support!
  • PanelWaybar 🍧 Patched waybar following hyprland faq!
  • Notify DaemonDunst 🍃 Minimalist and functional!
  • LauncherRofi 🚀 Realmente rápido y customizable!
  • File ManagerRanger 🔖 custom!
  • GUI Basic-IDENyoom Rice IDE!

🌸 Setup

Install steps (Take care about it. Isn't a full tutorial)

Read Spanish Detailed Guide Here


Installation (Paq and deps)

First of all, this is a cute disclaimer. All of this settings are installed in Artix and in wayland only! I don't know how it work in other distro.

Using paru as AUR helper 🆘

# install paru... 
mkdir $HOME/Downloads/_cloned-repos
cd $HOME/Downloads/_cloned-repos
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/paru.git
cd paru
makepkg -si  

Installing needed dependencies 📦

paru -S hyprland-git polkit-kde-agent dunst grimblast rofi rofi-emoji       \
wl-clipboard wf-recorder wlogout grimblast-git hyprpicker-git hyprpaper-git \
xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland-git ffmpegthumbnailer tumbler wtype colord      \
imagemagick swaylock-effects qt5-wayland qt6-wayland ripgrep waybar-hyprland-git


# themes
paru -S catppuccin-gtk-theme-mocha catppuccin-cursors-mocha catppuccin-mocha-grub-theme-git nwg-look

# apps
paru -S cava pavucontrol ranger zsh starship neovim viewnior noise-suppression-for-voice

*If you want a Graphical file-manager

thunar thunar-archive-plugin file-roller   
Clone Repo
git clone https://github.com/linuxmobile/hyprland-dots $HOME/Downloads/hyprland-dots/
cd $HOME/Downloads/hyprland-dots/
rsync -avxHAXP --exclude '.git*' .* ~/

As fonts i'm using Cartograph CF (patched with nerdfont) It's a licensed font, then select any font you like :3

mkdir -p $HOME/Downloads/nerdfonts/
cd $HOME/Downloads/
wget https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/releases/download/v2.3.1/CascadiaCode.zip
unzip '*.zip' -d $HOME/Downloads/nerdfonts/
rm -rf *.zip
sudo cp -R $HOME/Downloads/nerdfonts/ /usr/share/fonts/
Regenerate font cache
fc-cache -rv  

As gtk theme i'm using Catppuccin


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