
External parameter question about zed camera and imu

Closed this issue · 4 comments

According to the sensor installation diagram provided, the installation positions of IMU and zed are very close, but in the external reference document provided by the official:
################## Extrinsic parameter between IMU and Camera##################
################## camera is ZED2, a stereo camera##################
LEFT_CAMERA_T_IMU:!!opencv-matrix (Left camera to IMU)
rows: 4
cols: 4
dt: d
data: [ 9.9885234402635936e-01, 1.3591158885981787e-03,
4.7876378696062108e-02, -8.4994249456545504e-02,
-4.7864188349269129e-02, -7.9091258538426246e-03,
9.9882253939420773e-01, 6.6169337079143220e-01,
1.7361758877140372e-03, -9.9996779874765440e-01,
-7.8349959194297103e-03, -3.0104266183335913e+00, 0., 0., 0., 1. ]

The translation part of the 4x4 matrix, z direction is -3.0104266183335913e+00. A translation parameter larger than 3m is obviously wrong because the camera should not be located 3m below the IMU. I would like to know whether I used the parameter incorrectly or there is a problem with the external parameter calibration?

Hi you can refer to the issue #17 and #27

Hello. These problems have corrected the translation in the other two directions, but the translation in the z direction of 3m has not been mentioned. It is hoped that the external parameters of translation can be corrected. Thank you very much。

The calibration results of the z-direction of the left camera ZED2 is not good so far. You can use some online calibration tools (e.g., VINS mono) to have a better extrinsic parameter.

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