🖥️ 5-Stage MIPS CPU: A Verilog-based implementation of a pipelined MIPS processor, showcasing proficiency in computer architecture, RISC design principles, and hardware description languages. 🧠💡

Primary LanguageVerilog

5-Stage MIPS CPU in Verilog 🖥️💡

This repository contains the design and implementation of a 5-stage MIPS CPU using the Verilog hardware description language. The CPU architecture is based on the classic MIPS RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) architecture, featuring a pipeline architecture and essential components that showcase the fundamentals of CPU design.

Features 🌟

  • 5-stage pipeline architecture for efficient instruction execution.
  • Support for a subset of MIPS instructions to demonstrate various CPU operations.
  • Detailed implementation of register file, ALU, and memory components.
  • Clock cycle and pipeline control for realistic simulation of a processor's operation.
  • Verilog testbenches for simulation, verification, and potential performance analysis.

Educational Value 🎓

This project served as an excellent resource for learning and understanding:

  • The principles of MIPS CPU architecture and RISC design.
  • The intricacies of pipeline stages and hazard management.
  • The process of designing and implementing a CPU using a hardware description language (Verilog).
  • How to create and use testbenches for simulation and verification of hardware designs.

Components 🛠️

  • IF (Instruction Fetch): Fetches instructions from memory.
  • ID (Instruction Decode): Decodes instructions and reads operands from the register file.
  • EXEC (Execution): Performs arithmetic and logic operations.
  • MEM (Memory Access): Accesses memory for load and store instructions.
  • WB (Write Back): Writes the results back to the register file.