
Convert Data created with labelme to coco format data set.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Convert Data created with labelme to coco format data set. This repo is aimed at creating a full dataset which include the following subsets:

    1. train set ~60% of the input images by default  
    2. test set ~20% of the input images bt default 
    3. validation set ~20% of the input images. 

The output has been tasted (so far all I can tell is that the training began) on facebookresearch/maskrcnn-benchmark for instance segmentation.

create the class with the file: CreateDastaSet.py


I have based this script on the labelme labelme2coco script therefore follow the labelme installation instraction at wkentaro/labelme

How to Create the Dataset

  1. Use the wkentaro/labelme to annotate your data

  2. Edit CreateDataSet inputDict as follows -input = path\to\your\Inputfolder at the following format : (Bug therefore the fornat is required )

    • Inputfoder -subfolder1 - containing data - Imgs and annotations
      -subfolder2 - containing data - Imgs and annotations -subfolder3 - containing data - Imgs and annotations
    • outputfoler= path\to\where\output\data\will\be\created
    • labels = 'path\to\label.txt'
    1. Verify the output with the following notebook from [pycococreator] (https://github.com/waspinator/pycococreator)
  3. run the CreateDataSet.py script


  • 1. add annotations field BoundingBox
  • 2. convert to work with iscrowded =0 , aka polygons dots
  • 3. add support to appending exsiting dataset (MUST Backup Previous version to dir\old\setname+timeframe )
  • 4. re-enble parser
  • 5. solve directory in directory bug for list of json files gathering
  • 6. add a change directory function to \usedforcreatingdataset of input images in order to avoid using them for appending the dataset.
  • 7. use imantics - Annotation to calculate BBox and area in stade of labelme function
  • 8. figure how to add rotated boundingboxes

Knowon Bugs :

  • solved - appended empty annotations to the sets
  • Input dircteroy has to be parent directory bug
  • Image Resize doesn't mach with mask



