
IP layout design of a 8-bit binary multiplier using sky130 pdk with OpenLane

Primary LanguageVerilog

RTL to GDS for a Modified 8-bit Dadda Multiplier using 3:2 Compressors with sky130 PDK and OpenLane


Dadda multiplier is a type of binary multiplier. Unlike Wallace multiplier, Dadda multiplier uses less munber of gates for the reduction technique. A conventional Dadda multiplier uses a selection of half and full adders to sum the partial product in stages(Dadda reduction). A modified Dadda multiplier uses 3:2 compressors to further reduce the speed and improve the efficiency of the design. The multiplier design uses two 8-bit inputs(A and B) to produce a 16-bit output.




Multipliers are very common in a high end cpu's, and play a major role in the computation. There are couple of applications, one which I would like to mention is inside a RISC V12 processor.

Directory Structure:

│   └── images
├── notes
│   └── notes
├── README.md
├── rtl
│   ├── and1b.v
│   ├── compressor3to2.v
│   ├── dvsd_8216m3.v
│   ├── dvsd_8216m9.v
│   └── halfadder.v
├── sim
│   └── Makefile
└── tb
    ├── dvsd_8216m3_tb.v
    └── dvsd_8216m9_tb.v

Pin Configuration:

pin configuration


Module Location Description
dvsd_8216m3 rtl Main module of Dadda Multiplication
halfadder rtl Performs addition of two bit binary numbers
compressor3to2 rtl Performs addition of three bit binary numbers
and1b rtl Performs logical AND operation
dvsd_8216m3_tb tb Testbench for dvsd_8216m3 module
dvsd_8216m9 rtl System mutiplication for two 8-bit numbers
dvsd_8216m9_tb tb Testbech for dvsd_8216m9

Code Verification

To verify the dvsd_8216m3 code, go inside the sim directory and issue the below make command. It will also open the gtkwave to view the output waveforms.

make test1

this shall display the result as follows

Time            A               B               M(Obtained)             P(Required)
0.000 ns        0000 0000       0000 0000       0000 0000 0000 0000     0000 0000 0000 0000
2.000 ns        0010 0100       0011 0101       0000 0111 0111 0100     0000 0111 0111 0100
6.000 ns        1000 0001       0101 1110       0010 1111 0110 1110     0010 1111 0101 1110
10.000 ns       0000 1001       1101 0110       0000 0111 1000 0110     0000 0111 1000 0110
14.000 ns       0110 0011       0101 0110       0010 0001 0101 0010     0010 0001 0100 0010
18.000 ns       1111 1111       1111 1111       1111 1110 0000 0001     1111 1110 0000 0001

And it shall be displayed using GTKWave viewer

gtkwave out

OpenLane Flow

Openlane Directories:

├── logs
│   ├── cts
│   ├── cvc
│   ├── floorplan
│   ├── klayout
│   ├── lvs
│   ├── magic
│   ├── placement
│   ├── routing
│   └── synthesis
├── reports
│   ├── cts
│   ├── cvc
│   ├── floorplan
│   ├── klayout
│   ├── lvs
│   ├── magic
│   ├── placement
│   ├── routing
│   └── synthesis
├── results
│   ├── cts
│   ├── cvc
│   ├── floorplan
│   ├── klayout
│   ├── lvs
│   ├── magic
│   ├── placement
│   ├── routing
│   └── synthesis
└── tmp
    ├── cts
    ├── cvc
    ├── floorplan
    ├── klayout
    ├── lvs
    ├── magic
    ├── placement
    ├── routing
    └── synthesis

preparation of the design

OpenLANE flow consists of several stages. By default, all flow steps are run in sequence. Each stage may consist of multiple sub-stages. OpenLANE can also be run interactively as shown here.

  1. Synthesis
  • Yosys - Performs RTL synthesis using GTech mapping
  • abc - Performs technology mappin to standard cells described in the PDK. We can adjust synthesis techniques using different integrated abc scripts to get desired results
  • OpenSTA - Performs static timing analysis on the resulting netlist to generate timing reports
  • Fault – Scan-chain insertion used for testing post fabrication. Supports ATPG and test patterns compaction
  1. Floorplan and PDN
  • Init_fp - Defines the core area for the macro as well as the rows (used for placement) and the tracks (used for routing)
  • Ioplacer - Places the macro input and output ports
  • PDN - Generates the power distribution network Tapcell - Inserts welltap and decap cells in the floorplan
  • Placement – Placement is done in two steps, one with global placement in which we place the designs across the chip, but they will not be legal placement with some standard cells overlapping each other, to fix this we perform a detailed placement which legalizes the design and ensures they fit in the standard cell rows
  • RePLace - Performs global placement
  • Resizer - Performs optional optimizations on the design
  • OpenPhySyn - Performs timing optimizations on the design
  • OpenDP - Perfroms detailed placement to legalize the globally placed components
  1. CTS
  • TritonCTS - Synthesizes the clock distribution network
  1. Routing
  • FastRoute - Performs global routing to generate a guide file for the detailed router

  • TritonRoute - Performs detailed routing from global routing guides SPEF-Extractor - Performs SPEF extraction that include parasitic information

  1. GDSII Generation
  • Magic - Streams out the final GDSII layout file from the routed def
  1. Checks
  • Magic - Performs DRC Checks & Antenna Checks
  • Netgen - Performs LVS Checks

For complete information regarding the openlane flow visit Advanced OpenLANE Workshop


I shall be working with docker to load the OpenLane Flow image, to setup and install openlance with docker refer Setting up OpenLANE.

To begin with add the project to the designs/src folder. Now lets try to open the design with openlane. Use make mount to start the openlane image through docker.

preparation of the design

Let's prepare our design with flow.tcl script, optionally -init_design_config can be appended to add the configuration file to the design. Invoke openlane along with the design

flow.tcl -design dvsd_8216m3 -init_design_config

configuration file

configuration file

You can visit your design again with openlane in interactive mode

flow.tcl -design dvsd_8216m3 -interactive


Lets now run the synthesis using


Synthesis results:

Syntesis Results

Viewing the syntheiszed rtl code with yosys. within the runs directory

xdot tmp/synthesis/post_techmap.dot

Techmap of the design

Floor Planning

Floor planning magic command

To run floor planning in openlane


Floor-planning Results:

Floor planning results

You can view the floor-planning resuts using magic

magic -T $PDK_ROOT/sky130A/libs.tech/magic/sky130A lef read tmp/merged.lef def read results/floorplan/dvsd_8216m9.floorplan.def

Unmerged def file

Merged lef file


Run Placement

To run placement


Placement results

Placement def file Klayout view Placement def file magic view

single cell from Placement def file

Post Layout Simulation



Final GDS

GDS file with klayout viewer GDS file with klayout viewer

Runtime Summary Report

Time consumed for each process in generation of gds file.

0-prep 0h0m8s725ms
1-yosys 0h0m5s420ms
2-opensta 0h0m6s131ms
3-verilog2def_openroad 0h0m4s572ms
4-ioPlacer 0h0m4s336ms
5-tapcell 0h0m4s137ms
6-pdn 0h0m4s864ms
7-replace 0h0m15s254ms
7-resizer 0h0m5s510ms
8-write_verilog 0h0m4s79ms
9-opensta_post_resizer 0h0m6s4ms
10-opendp 0h0m4s41ms
11-cts 0h2m4s557ms
12-write_verilog 0h0m4s60ms
12-resizer_timing 0h0m7s200ms
13-write_verilog 0h0m3s940ms
14-opensta_post_resizer_timing 0h0m6s177ms
15-fastroute 0h0m8s967ms
16-addspacers 0h0m7s70ms
17-write_verilog 0h0m6s905ms
18-tritonRoute 0h1m12s440ms
19-spef_extraction 0h0m7s482ms
20-opensta_spef 0h0m7s809ms
22-write_verilog 0h0m4s418ms
26-magic_gen 0h0m5s642ms
27-klayout 0h0m10s888ms
29-klayout_xor 0h0m30s307ms
30-magic_ext_spice 0h0m1s546ms
31-lvs 0h0m0s931ms
32-magic_drc 0h0m19s66ms
34-or_antenna 0h0m4s151ms
35-cvc 0h0m0s565ms


Number of cells:                324
  $_ANDNOT_                      78
  $_AND_                         54
  $_NAND_                        22
  $_NOR_                         35
  $_NOT_                          5
  $_ORNOT_                        4
  $_OR_                          22
  $_XNOR_                        26
  $_XOR_                         78

Optimised values from yosys:

Total Gates = 284
Cap =  9.1 ff
Area =     2687.58
Delay =  4139.03 ps 

The modified fast 8-bit Dadda multiplier using the 3:2 compressors has a propagation delay of 4.139 ns when compared to 8-bit Wallace tree which has a delay of 7.168 ns[4].



Research Papers

[1] Gary W. Bewick, "Fast Multiplication: Algorithms and Implementation".

[2] Jorge Tonfat, Ricardo Reis, South Symposium on Microelectronics, "Low Power 3-2 and 4-2 Adder Compressors Implemented Using ASTRAN".

[3] Lavanya. M, Ranjan K. Senapati, JVR Ravindra, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, "Low-Power Near-Explicit 5:2 Compressor for Superior Performance Multipliers".

[4] Himanshu Bansal, K. G Sharma, Tripthi Sharma, Innnovative Systems Design and Engineering, "Wallace Tree Multiplier Designs: A Performance Comparision Review".


Fileout File out