
Final project for ME331 (Robot Modeling and Control).

Primary LanguageC++

DeltaHopper: Hopping in the three dimensions


This is the final project for ME331 (Robot Modeling and Control).

In this project, we developed a jumping controller for CMU GOAT robotic leg. With our controller, the robot can jump in all directions at desired height and direction in the simulation (when orientation is constrained).

picture 1


  • Webots 2020b
  • Visual Studio 2019
  • Matlab 2020a or Matlab Runtime

How to use


First, clone this repository.

Then, open the Visual Studio solution my_controller.sln (in DeltaHopperSim\controllers\my_controller.) You will need to update the include path of Webots libraries.

Now you can start the simulation in DeltaHopperSim\worlds. Open the scene tree and set the controller of the robot to extern. Then, start the controller in Visual Studio.

Forward Kinematics

The forward kinematics and Jacobian are calculated with Matlab and then compiled into a C++ dynamic link library. The MatLab code can be found in FowardKinematicsMatlab.

picture 1


Kalouche, S. . (2017). GOAT: A legged robot with 3D agility and virtual compliance. 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). IEEE