
List of open-source alternatives to everyday SaaS products.

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Open source alternatives

List of open-source alternatives to everyday SaaS products.

Artificial intelligence chatbot/ LLM (ChatGPT alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
OpenAssistant open-assistant.io
Leon getleon.ai
ChatRWKV twitter.com/BlinkDL_AI

AI code completion (Github CoPilot alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
FauxPilot github.com/fauxpilot/fauxpilot/wiki
YouCompleteMe ycm-core.github.io/ycmd

Team knowledge base (Notion alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
AppFlowy appflowy.io
AFFiNE affine.pro

Internal tools (Retool alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Appsmith appsmith.com
ToolJet tooljet.com
Budibase budibase.com
ILLA illacloud.com
Openblocks openblocks.dev
Windmill windmill.dev

Web analytics (Google Analytics alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Matomo matomo.org
Umami umami.is
Plausible plausible.io

Note-taking/ Knowledge management (Evernote alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Joplin joplinapp.org
Logseq logseq.com
SiYuan b3log.org/siyuan/en
Notesnook notesnook.com

Company blogs/ newsletters (WordPress alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Ghost ghost.org

Blogging platform/ Personal website builder (Medium alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
WriteFreely writefreely.org
btw btw.so

Static website generator:

Company Website GitHub stars
Hugo gohugo.io
Jekyll jekyllrb.com
11ty 11ty.dev

Website builder (Wix, Strikingly, Webflow alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
DoTenX dotenx.com

Icons (Noun Project alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Font-Awesome fontawesome.com
feather feathericons.com
Bootstrap icons.getbootstrap.com
RemixIcon remixicon.com

Collaborative design tool (Figma alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Penpot penpot.app
Radix Primitives radix-ui.com
Plasmic plasmic.app
Quant-UX quant-ux.com

Online forms (Typeform alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Formbricks formbricks.com

Session replay and analytics (Fullstory alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
highlight highlight.io

Content Management System/ CMS (Contentful alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Strapi strapi.io
Payload payloadcms.com
Webiny webiny.com

Log management (Papertrail alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Graylog graylog.org

To-do app:

Company Website GitHub stars
super-productivity super-productivity.com

Community management:

Company Website GitHub stars
Discourse discourse.org

Kanban board (Trello alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
WeKan wekan.github.io
Focalboard focalboard.com
Kanboard kanboard.org
Planka planka.app

Social network/ Micro-blogging (Twitter alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Mastodon joinmastodon.org
HumHub humhub.com
Elgg elgg.org

Ticket management (Zendesk, Freshdesk alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Peppermint peppermint.sh

Scheduling tool (Calendly alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Cal.com cal.com

Smart spreadsheet (Airtable alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
NocoDB nocodb.com
Luckysheet dream-num.github.io/LuckysheetDocs
APITable apitable.com

Team communication (Slack, Discord alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Rocket.chat rocket.chat
Mattermost mattermost.com
Zulip zulip.com
Element element.io
Spacebar spacebar.chat
RelatedChat relatedcode.com

Live chat (Intercom alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Chatwoot chatwoot.com

User authentication (Auth0 alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
SuperTokens supertokens.com
Logto logto.io

Digital search experience (Algolia alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Typesense typesense.org

Backend-as-a-Service (Firebase alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Supabase supabase.com
Appwrite appwrite.io
Nhost nhost.io

Customer data platform/ CDP (Segment alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Jitsu jitsu.com

Link shortener (Bitly alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Dub dub.sh

Online store builder (Shopify alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Vue Storefront vuestorefront.io
Sylius sylius.com
Presta prestashop-project.org
Bagisto bagisto.com

Password manager (1Password alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Bitwarden bitwarden.com
Padloc padloc.app

Email delivery (Mailgun, SendGrid alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Postal docs.postalserver.io

Usage-based billing (Stripe, Chargebee alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Lago getlago.com

File uploader:

Company Website GitHub stars
Uppy uppy.io

Notification infrastructure:

Company Website GitHub stars
Novu novu.co
ntfy ntfy.sh
Apprise hub.docker.com/r/caronc/apprise

API Development (Postman alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
hoppscotch hoppscotch.io
Insomnia insomnia.rest

Programmatic videos:

Company Website GitHub stars
Remotion remotion.dev

Data warehouse (Snowflake alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Databend databend.rs


Company Website GitHub stars
doccano doccano.herokuapp.com

Feature management/ Feature flag:

Company Website GitHub stars
Unleash getunleash.io
Flagr openflagr.github.io/flagr/

Product Analytics (Mixpanel, Amptitude alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
PostHog posthog.com

Video conferencing (Google Meet, Skype alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Jitsi Meet jitsi.org
Element Call call.element.io

Personal cloud (Dropbox alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Nextcloud nextcloud.com

Business intelligence (Tableau, Looker, Power BI alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Metabase metabase.com

Platform-as-a-Service/ PaaS (Heroku, Netlify, Vercel alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Dokku dokku.com
CapRover caprover.com
Coolify coolify.io
Kubero kubero.dev

Unified Communication Platform & Telephony API (Twilio alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Fonoster fonoster.com

Bug tracking/ Error tracking (Sentry alternatives):

Company Website GitHub stars
Bugzilla bugzilla.org


Company Website GitHub stars
Invoice Ninja invoiceninja.com
Crater crater.financial
SolidInvoice solidinvoice.co

Graph database:

Company Website GitHub stars
JanusGraph janusgraph.org
Memgraph memgraph.com

Vector database:

Company Website GitHub stars
Milvus milvus.io
Weaviate weaviate.io
activeloopai/deeplake activeloop.ai
CozoDB cozodb.org

Time-series database:

Company Website GitHub stars
Prometheus prometheus.io
QuestDB questdb.io
OpenTSDB opentsdb.net
KairosDB kairosdb.github.io


  1. Product is open-source and repo is actively being maintained.
  2. It is a product (not a library) and ideally has a popular closed-source alternative.
  3. Repo has atleast 100 stars on GitHub.


Looking for contributors to add missing startups/ projects. Please submit a PR (the products are listed in descending order by number of GitHub stars) or feel free to DM @deeptivchopra.