
Nextflow pipeline that assembles mitochondria scaffolds using mitobim and checked scaffold by mapping reads to it using bwa mem and calls variants in freebayes for a consensus sequence.

Primary LanguageNextflowMIT LicenseMIT


Nextflow pipeline that assembles mitochondria scaffolds using MITObim, checks the scaffold by mapping reads to it using bwa mem, and calling variants in freebayes to obtain a consensus sequence. Workflow is based on a Mozes Blom pipeline.


  1. Install nextflow (version >= 19.04)
    Install Conda (version >= 4.10)
    Install mitobim
    Install mira

  2. Download git clone of this repository:

    git clone https://github.com/FilipThorn/nf_mito-mania
  3. Edit nextflow.config file:

    mitobim = "/PATH/TO/MITObim.pl"                                    #path to MITObim script
    mitobimRef = "/PATH/TO/lycPyr_mtDNA.fa"                            #refernce for mitobim and mira
    ref_strain = "lycPyr_mtDNA"                                        #name of refernce for mitobim and mira
    mira =  "/PATH/TO/mira_4.0.2_linux-gnu_x86_64_static/bin/mira"     #path to mira
    mira_dir = "/PATH/TO/mira_4.0.2_linux-gnu_x86_64_static/bin/"      #path to mira dir
  4. Run Mitomania workflow:

    nextflow run mitomania.nf --reads_MB /PATH/TO/Indivxxx_L001_U.fastq.gz --reads_PE '/PATH/TO/*_R{1,2}.fastq.gz' --reads_SE '/PATH/TO/*_U.fastq.gz' --outdir /PATH/TO/RESULTS


Currently requires both paired and unpaired reads to run as well as four seperate libraries per individual. Updates to generalize the script are ongoing.
Input file structure

usr:~data/$ ls
Indivxxx_L001_U.fastq.gz Indivxxx_L001_R2.fastq.gz Indivxxx_L001_R1.fastq.gz 
Indivxxx_L002_U.fastq.gz Indivxxx_L002_R2.fastq.gz Indivxxx_L002_R1.fastq.gz
Indivxxx_L003_U.fastq.gz Indivxxx_L003_R2.fastq.gz Indivxxx_L003_R1.fastq.gz
Indivxxx_L004_U.fastq.gz Indivxxx_L004_R2.fastq.gz Indivxxx_L004_R1.fastq.gz 


HPC enviroment

Use of a HPC is recomended. Create a nextflow config profile that matches your cluster set-up profile