The Dataspace Protocol is a set of specifications designed to facilitate interoperable data sharing between entities governed by usage control and based on Web technologies. These specifications define the schemas and protocols required for entities to publish data, negotiate Agreements, and access data in a data space
- AgustinSRG@bisite @AIRInstitute
- astrojuanlu@kedro-org
- athifshaffy
- chaoweimtboldseas
- civilizeddev@devsisters
- dncampo
- edwo-devFraunhofer ISST
- efiegeDortmund
- florianrusch-zfZF Friedrichshafen AG
- GanbenC Lab
- gobengoSan Francisco, CA
- indexzeroCandy
- itsjrsa@INESCTEC
- jayliu1030
- JinsYinshdatagroup
- jlopes60Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP)
- juliapampus@FraunhoferISST
- kitmacleodScotland
- kosmastsk@CERTH-ITI
- lwpk110zncdata
- ma3uCofinity-X
- marcelrulandCofinity-X
- MichaelSteinertFraunhofer ISST
- miguelASLFundacio i2CAT
- mketterlFraunhofer IAIS
- nikschulFraunhofer ISST
- nuthubUniversity of Koblenz
- pzaborowskiWarsaw
- rmbaxter67
- samromen
- ssteinbuss@International-Data-Spaces-Association
- tamerxkilinc
- thunder7553
- watsonjUnited Nations Foundation
- zzeekkElca AG