Student of Control Science and Engineering at Beijing Institute of Technology
Beijing Institute of TechnologyBeijing, China
Ishrak66's Following
- relational@googlers
- KindXiaomingMassachusetts Institute of Technology
- msarahan@NVIDIA
- Sheev13
- AxelThevenotDevoteam G Cloud
- amine0110ISIA Lab - UMONS
- osintegrators
- falloutdurham
- SenZHANG-GitHubThe University of Sydney
- ZacksAmber
- cs50Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
- xizhang20181005
- JohnHammond
- AdamkadabanUniversity of Florida
- lencxShanghai
- Deepwise-AILab
- holgerrothNVIDIA
- arthurzhang817
- mrdbourke
- airalabPolkadot && Ethereum && IPFS
- gmendozah@Dozuki
- Errichto
- jlordLondon, England
- michaelliaoBeijing, China
- comehopeBeijing,China
- kalcaddlekodcloud
- BcRikkoTokyo, Japan
- jdneo@Microsoft
- phodal@thoughtworks
- Showfom@xtomcom
- wshuyiTianjin Normal University
- anthonywongCanonical
- mariobehlingFOSSASIA
- clr-apache
- torvaldsLinux Foundation
- nnja@googlers