
SUSTech CS202/CS214 Computer Organization Project. Streams Bad Apple.

Primary LanguageSystemVerilog

CS202/CS214 Computer Organization Project

Video Preview on Bilibili, with Chinese subtitle.



MMIO支持读写VGA显存。显存工作在Text Mode下,读写一块大小为2400 Bytes的文本显存,将至多2400个字符线性映射到屏幕上(从左到右,从上到下)。显示驱动在./src/IO/drivers/output/VGA_drv/文件夹下。


由于不想写DDR3内存适配工期原因,选择了采用FPGA片上Block RAM存储视频,故实际可用内存数目仅在400000 Bytes左右,个人选择将其压缩为ASCII码。



要实例化这个项目,git clone后打开Vivado,在添加源文件时选择添加目录,并将ip文件夹(作为RTL文件)src文件夹和constrs文件夹完全导入即可。



You can find acknowledgements to the sources of image/video resources and assets used under ./acknowledgements.md.

Specification of Custom Formats

You can find the specification of customized formats under ./doc folder.


In this project, a single-cycle MIPS CPU has been designed and tested. The CPU supports a subset of the MIPS32 ISA (without support for instructions related to exception handling, coprocessor 0 and multiplier/divider).

CPU Specification






The 1st one and the 3rd one are flattened.

Architecture: Harvard Architecture.

List of CPU Submodules

Module Name Module Definition Description I/O
ALU_decoder ALU_dec.sv Decoder parsing instructions into ALU control signals, including ALU_op, parameters to control shift, unsigned operations, use of signed/unsigned immediate, source of the ALU operand.
imm_sign_mux mux2.sv Select between the signed immediate and the unsigned immediate, determined by use_sign_imm signal from ALU_decoder.
ALU_op2_mux mux2.sv Select the secondary operand of ALU between the register value and the immediate, determined by ALU_sc.
ALU_shift_mux mux2.sv Select the source for shift amount for ALU. Either from shamt field of the instruction, or from rs.
main_decoder main_dec.sv Decoding the instruction and set various fields, including branch, branch_comp_zero (used in branches that compares to zero but has a different field other than 5'b00000 in rt), jump, jump_dst (used if jump to an address specified in a register), mem_to_reg, mem_write, reg_dst (select the write address of the register file. Used to select between rt, rd and $ra (used for linking)), reg_pc4_src (for linking), reg_write, etc.
ALU_inst ALU.sv ALU for processing various kind of operations.
reg_rdata2_mux mux2.sv Select between $zero and $rt. Used in branching instructions.
reg_waddr_mux mux3.sv Select between different write addresses. Used in branching, jumping and linking.
branch_controller branch_cont.sv Used to control the branch behavior, based on ALU_lt and ALU_eq which are two ALU facilities for comparing its operands.
instr_controller instr_cont.sv Used to control the instruction flow. Accepts jump and branch signals, and determine whether to jump/branch according to main_decoder and branch_controller. instr_addr outputs the address of the instruction to fetch, and pc4 outputs the value of current PC +4 (for linking purposes).
registers reg_file.sv Register files. Has a reset button to reset contents to their default values.

For detailed I/O specification on each submodule, please refer to the schematic image. The naming convention is designed to be easy to read.

List of Supported Instructions (ISA)

This is a subset of the MIPS32 instruction set. Exclusions are mul/div and coprocessor-0-related instructions.

Type Instruction Additional Description
Logical and rd, rs, rt
or rd, rs, rt
xor rd, rs, rt
nor rd, rs, rt
Logical-IMM andi rt, rs, immediate
xori rt, rs, immediate
lui rt, immediate
ori rs, rt, immediate
Shift sll rd, rt, sa
srl rd, rt, sa
sra rd, rt, sa
Shift-R sllv rd, rt, rs
srlv rd, rt, rs
srav rd, rt, rs
Data-Transfer mfhi rd
mflo rd
mthi rs
mtlo rs
Arithmetic-R add rd, rs, rt
addu rd, rs, rt
sub rd, rs, rt
subu rd, rs, rt
slt rd, rs, rt
sltu rd, rs, rt
mult rs, rt
multu rs, rt
div rs, rt
divu rs, rt
Arithmetic-IMM addi rt, rs, immediate
addiu rt, rs, immediate
slti rt, rs, immediate
sltiu rt, rs, immediate
Jump-R jr rs
Jump-R-Link jalr rs/jalr rd, rs
Jump-IMM j target
Jump-IMM-Link jal target
Branch beq rs, rt, offset
bgtz rs, offset
blez rs, offset
bne rs, rt, offset
bltz rs, offset
bgez rs, offset
Branch-Link bltzal rs, offset
bgezal rs, offset
Load/Store lw rt, offset(base)
sw rt, offset(base)

Register Specification

Register Name Size Description
GPR 32 Words General Purpose Register. $zero fixed. $sp initialized to 0x7fffeffc.
PC 1 Word Program Counter
hi/lo 1 Word Each Used in mult/div instructions and mflo/mfhi/mtlo/mthi instructions

ALU OpCode Table

Name OpCode Hex
nop 0
and 1
or 2
xor 3
nor 4
lui 5
shift 6
add 7
sub 8
slt 9
mult A
div B
mfhi/mflo C

ALU Utility Ports

I/O Port Name Description
I ALU_control Accepts ALU OpCode
I shamt Shift amount
I shift_dir Shift direction
I shift_ari Shift arithmetic (right shift support ONLY)
I do_unsigned Do unsigned operations (all operations that requires sign-extension or signed-number comparison)
I ALU_reg_write 1 to let ALU write results into hi/lo register
I ALU_reg_sel 0 for selecting the hi register, 1 for selecting the lo register
O ALU_out Result of the ALU operation
O overflow Whether the operation (arithmetic only) results in an overflow
O ALU_eq Whether op_1 == op_2
O ALU_lt Whether op_1 < op_2

Operational Characteristics from Instruction Encoding

Var Asserted Not Asserted
funct[0] do unsigned operation if arithmetic
funct[0] if shift, do arithmetic shift
funct[1] if shift, do right shift if shift, do left shift
funct[2] if shift, select the shift source as the register rs
funct if 6'b001000 or 6'b001001, link $ra and jump
funct[0] & funct[5] if R-type, do unsigned operation
op[0] if memory access, access halfword
op[0] if jump to instr_index, link $ra
op[1] word
(op[2] & ~op[3]) | op[5] do sign-extension on the immediate
op[3] | op[5] Select the immediate as the second operand of ALU
op[3] & op[0] if I-type, do unsigned operation
op[3] if memory access, do store
op[5] memory access
rt[5] if branch, link $ra

Top Specification

Memory Specification

Segment Offset ITB? Boundary ITB? Size Source
Text 0x0040_0000 Y 0x0041_0000 N 16384 Words Block Memory Generator
Data 0x1001_0000 Y 0x1007_0000 N 98304 Words Block Memory Generator
Stack 0x7fff_effc Y 0x7ffe_f000 Y 16384 Words Block Memory Generator
MMIO 0xffff_0000 Y 0xffff_0040 N 16 Words Memory-Mapped IO Segment 1
MMIO 0xffff_0100 Y 0xffff_0A60 N 600 Words Memory-Mapped IO Segment 2 for VGA

ITB: Include this boundary

Block Memory addressing unit: 32 bits. Truncate 2 bits from the processor to get the actual address inside the block memory.

MMIO Specification

MMIO configuration is tailored to meet the requirements for CS214 Project Inspection.

Pin constraints only work only on Minisys.

Physical Segment Base R/W Support Size (Word) Destination Device Description
0xffff_0000 R/W 1 Reserved
0xffff_0004 R 1 SW[23] 0 if scenario 1. 1 if scenario 2.
0xffff_0008 R 1 SW[22:20] Testcase number, 3 bits.
0xffff_000c R 1 SW[15:8] Operand 1. Sign extension according to specific testcases.
0xffff_0010 R 1 SW[7:0] Operand 2. Sign extension according to specific testcases.
0xffff_0014 R 1 Keypad Keypad number in hex. Maximum 1 word.
0xffff_0018 R 1 Timer[63:32] Timer. Increases 1 every cycle, frequency 100 MHz (relies on data_clk), bit-width 64.
0xffff_001c R 1 Timer[31:0] Timer. Increases 1 every cycle, frequency 100 MHz (relies on data_clk), bit-width 64.
0xffff_0020 R/W 1 LED[19] Single LED indicator.
0xffff_0024 R/W 1 LED[18] Single LED indicator
0xffff_0028 R/W 1 LED[17] Single LED indicator
0xffff_002c R/W 1 LED[16] Single LED indicator
0xffff_0030 R/W 1 LED Tube LEFT 7-seg tube output in hex.
0xffff_0034 R/W 1 LED Tube RIGHT 7-seg tube output in hex.
0xffff_0038 R/W 1 LED[15:0] 16 bit LED output.
0xffff_003C R/W 1 Buzzer Stores the vibrating frequency of the buzzer.
0xffff_0100 R/W 600 VGA VGA text-mode buffer.

VGA Text Mode Specification

Variable Value Description
text_width 8
text_height 16
horizontal_character_count 80
vertical_character_count 30
total_character_count 2400
colored_output false
refresh_rate 60 Hz

Other IO Devices

Configuration of other IO devices is tailored to meet the requirements for CS214 Project Inspection.

Pin constraints work on Minisys platform only.

Type (I/O) Name VarName Destination Device Pin Description
I Clock Signal clk Wire Y18 Minisys built-in clock signal.
I UART_RX uart_rx_i Wire Y19 UART input
O UART_TX uart_tx_o wire V18 UART output
I CPU UART Mode Trigger uart_trigger Button[3] If pressed, switch CPU to UART communication mode.
I CPU Work Mode Trigger work_trigger Button[2] If pressed, switch CPU to work mode
I Reset rst Button[4] If pressed, initial an complete reset that sets CPU to work mode, and resets PC and GPRs to their initial values.
O CPU Mode Indicator LED[23] If 0, CPU is in UART communication mode. Else, CPU is in work mode.
O UART_DONE LED[22] UART transmission done indicator.
O UART_WRITE_ENABLE uart_wen LED[21] UART write-enable signal indicator.
O INSTR_WEN uart_instr_wen LED[20] UART instruction write-enable signal
O DATA_WEN uart_data_wen LED[19] UART data write-enable signal

Constraint Specification

Please refer to constrs/top.xdc.

Integrated Tests and Results


Test Suite Test Name Test Subject Result
SIM_CPU_TEST sim_test_1.asm Arithmetic and Logical Operations Passed
sim_test_2.asm Data Segment and S/W Operations Passed
sim_test_3.asm Branch and link instructions, with other stuff Passed
sim_test_4.asm Interrupt Call and Stack Frame Pointer Cancelled
sim_test_5.asm slt, sltu Passed
UART_TEST uart_test_1.asm UART communication Passed
VIDEO_TEST video_test_1.asm Video memory functionality and VGA driver Passed
video_test_2.asm Character set availability Passed
LOGICAL_TEST logical_test_1.asm mult, div, mflo/mfhi/mtlo/mthi test Passed
IO_TEST io_test_1.asm 7-seg tube MMIO and CPU status Passed
io_test_2.asm 7-seg tube MMIO and MMIO address Passed
VIDEO_PLAYER_TEST video_player.asm CPU overall functionality test, including branch, bit operations, encoding/decoding. Passed

Testcase Walkthrough

All completed.