Curated collection of useful links for Typst users.
PRs welcomed!
Official project links.
- yank: Yank URL and title of current tab, format to a chosen markup language, and copy to clipboard (supports typst link format)
- typst-bot: A discord bot to render Typst code
- tree-sitter-typst: A TreeSitter parser for the Typst File Format
- typst-mode.el: An Emacs major mode for the
markup-based typesetting system
- typst-lsp: A brand-new language server for Typst, plus a VS Code extension
- typst.nvim: WIP. Goals: Treesitter highlighting, snippets, and a smooth intergration with neovim
- typst.vim: Vim plugin for Typst
- typst-action: Build Typst documents using GitHub actions
- typst/templates: The templates that ship with the Typst web app
- assignment-template: A simple assignment template
- ieee-typst-template: A template to write IEEE Papers in Typst
- typst-assignment-template: Yet another simple assignment template
- typst-homework-template: A simple homework template inspired by the LaTeX homework template by Adam Blank
- typst-templates: Templates for Typst
- typst-templates: My typst templates
- typstry: A Tapestry of Typst Templates & Examples
- writable-gm-screen-inserts: Writable Game Master Screen Inserts
- alta-typst: A simple Typst CV template, inspired by AltaCV by LianTze Lim
- attractive-typst-resume: A modern looking, attractive CV/Resume template by Harkunwar Kochar
- resume.typ: Simple and ergonimic template to generate resume and CV
- simplecv: SimpleCV is a simple and elegant CV template written in Typst
- typst-cv-template: Chi CV Template (For Typst)
- typst-resume-template: Aesthetic style inspired by the Awesome-CV project
- typst-diagbox: A library for diagonal line dividers in Typst tables
- leipzig-gloss: A library that provides primitives for creating glossing rules according to Leipzig.
- typst-ipa: 🔄 ASCII / IPA conversion for Typst
- commutative-diagrams: A library for creating commutative diagrams
- typst-theorems: A library for creating numbered theorem environments
- typst-undergradmath: A Typst port of undergradmath
- physics: A library for common physics notations, e.g. vectors, derivatives, dirac notations, tensors, isotopes
- typst-plot: A library for plotting line charts
- typst-raytracer: raytracer in typst
- typst-slides: A template for creating slides in Typst
- typst-fmt: An in development Typst formatter (PR welcomed)
- typst-pandoc: Typst custom reader and writer for Pandoc