
M.Sc. Computer Science Dissertation In LaTeX.

Primary LanguageTeX

Fork This Repo To Create Your Dissertation/Internship Report in LaTeX

Dissertation/ and Library/ contain the Faculty and Library version of the Thesis.

Click on the main.pdf file to read the thesis here and now !


LaTeX is a fantastic typesetting program (based on the TeX markup language developed by the venerable Donald Knuth) that lots of people in the exact sciences use these days, especially mathematics, computer science and physics persons in academia. You can find out more about it here: http://www.latex-project.org/

This second major version of this template was made by Vel. The thesis style was originally created by Steve R. Gunn and modified into a template by Sunil Patel. Get more information here: http://www.latextemplates.com/template/masters-doctoral-thesis


You will need to have latex installed on your system as either texlive or tex-live. If you are using Linux, the easiest way to get up and running is to use the dnf install tex-live, yum install tex-live or apt-get install tex-live depending on your flevor.

Compiling the Resume

Simply use the pdflatex command in your terminal:

pdflatex Resume.tex

Hold onto the Enter key until the main.pdf file gets generated.


You are free to fork this TeXsis repository and modify it to create yours. Just make sure you star the repository before forking. However, you're prohibited to use it for anything else without my permission! Be bonafide and act in Good faith !

At Your Service! Isaac Kamga.