An interactive body tracking installation
Hardware requirements: MacOS computer (preferably (M1 chip)[] based machine) and either built in FaceTime camera or external Webcam.
Hardware specification for installation version:
- M1 Mac Mini with 16Gb memory and 256Gb hard drive
- Logitech Brio Stream Webcam, Ultra HD 4K Streaming Edition
Software requirements:
- A GitHub account
- macOS 11.4 "Big Sur"
- Xcode 12.5 or above
- Xcode command line tools, which can be installed via the command:
xcode-select --install
- Command line access via SSH to your GitHub account. See this guide to connecting to GitHub with SSH.
Open Terminal and create a folder using the mkdir command for the project in a place of your choosing:
mkdir SharingElementsInstallation
Use the cd command to open the folder you just created:
cd SharingElementsInstallation
If you haven't already done so, install Homebrew via the following command:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Now install rbenv and ruby-build via Homebrew, to allow your computer to have multiple versions of Ruby installed:
brew install rbenv ruby-build
Add rbenv to ZSH so that it loads every time you open a terminal: (P.S. we love Oh My Zsh)
echo 'if which rbenv > /dev/null; then eval "$(rbenv init -)"; fi' >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc
Install Ruby 3.0.1:
rbenv install 3.0.1
rbenv global 3.0.1
ruby -v
N.B. If ruby -v doesn't report 3.0.1, you may have to restart in order for it to be reported correctly. Clone this repository using the git clone command:
git clone
Clone the Satin, Forge & Youi repositories:
git clone && git clone && git clone
Install Bundler using:
sudo gem install bundler
Use the cd command to open the folder that the first git clone command created:
cd SharingElements
Install the Bundler dependencies specified in the Gemfile:
bundle config set path vendor/bundle
bundle install
Install the CocoaPod dependencies using Bundler:
bundle exec pod install
Make sure to open the Xcode workspace, not the Xcode project:
open SharingElements.xcworkspace
Compile and build.
- Press the M key to hide/show the mouse
- Press the F key to switch between fullscreen/windowed mode
- Press command I to hide/show the interface
- Click and drag with the mouse to rotate the canvas in 3D, double click to reset to origin
Don't forget to disable screen saver and other energy saving options on the installation Mac Mini M1!