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This is a compilation on "LLMs for Embodied Navigation," including state-of-the-art benchmarks and datasets.

In recent years, the rapid advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT has garnered increasing attention for their potential in various practical applications. The integration of LLMs with Embodied Intelligence has emerged as a new focal area. Embodied Intelligence underscores that intelligent behavior stems not just from computational models but also involves physical interactions between robots or intelligent agents and their environment. The essence of embodied intelligence is that genuine intelligence requires the context of both the body and the surrounding environment, necessitating systems that can perceive through sensors and act via actuators. This integration is especially critical for applications that demand language and image processing capabilities. Overall, the amalgamation of LLMs and embodied intelligence offers immense potential and opens up new avenues for AI application, raising fresh research challenges including model interpretability and real-time performance.

Among the numerous applications of LLMs, navigation tasks stand out as they require deep environmental understanding and quick, accurate decision-making. LLMs can enrich embodied intelligence systems with advanced environmental perception and decision-making support through their robust language and image processing skills. This article focuses on navigation, offering a comprehensive summary of the integration between LLMs and embodied intelligence. It covers state-of-the-art models, research methodologies, and evaluates the pros and cons of current embodied navigation models and datasets. Finally, the article provides insights into the role of LLMs in embodied intelligence based on the latest research, projecting future developments in the field.


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In this repository, we collect recent advances in unifying LLMs and Agents. We have identified two commonly used general models:

🤖 1) LLM for Planner

🤖 2) LLM for Semantic Understanding..

Fig.1: The first type employs LLMs as planners that directly generate actions, thereby leveraging exploration policies to control agent

Fig.2: The second type utilizes LLMs to analyze incoming visual or textual data to extract goal-relevant information,
upon which exploration policies subsequently generate appropriate actions to guide

Table of Contents

Related Surveys

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LLMs for Grounded Language Understanding

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LLMs for Few-Shot Planning

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  • The influence of preprocessing on text classification using a bag-of-words representation (PLOS, 2020) [paper]

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